Podcast in English

author: Stoimen Pavlov

Rebuttals at very start of Bulgarian Presidency of Council of EU

On January 1, when the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of EU officially started, the Russian TASS Agency reported that according to Minister Liliana Pavlova who is responsible for the presidency, Bulgaria had planned to raise the issue of lifting EU..

03.01.18 14:02 |

Los búlgaros se han vuelto extremadamente sensibles ante la repatriación de turcos

Por espacio de toda una semana, la sociedad búlgara no deja de agitarse por la repatriación de 7 ciudadanos turcos, considerados secuaces del predicador opositor, Fethullah Gulen. El ciudadano búlgaro sigue atentamente cada detalle del caso, propenso a..

23.10.16 09:15 |