Podcast in English

author: Gergana Mancheva

KNSB: Los más pobres de Bulgaria siguen empobreciendo, y además a un ritmo acelerado

“La situación financiera del país es crítica”, anunciaba hace unos días la nueva ministra de Finanzas, Temenuzhka Petkova. Así, las pocas buenas noticias en cuanto a la ralentización de la inflación (sobre una base interanual) y a la caída de las..

30.01.25 15:10 |

"Surva", un festival que celebra la fuerza y la juventud

La 31ª edición del festival internacional Kuker de Pernik "Surva" ha consolidado su fama como el mayor festival de disfraces de Europa. “Este año en el festival participaron más de 12 mil personas, procedentes de todas las regiones etnográficas del..

28.01.25 13:53 |

CITUB: The poorest people in Bulgaria will grow poorer, and faster than before

The financial situation in the country is critical, Finance Minister Temenuzhka Petkova says. Which means that the good news – the slowing inflation rate (on an annual basis) and Bulgaria’s full accession to the Schengen area at the beginning of the..

28.01.25 12:58 |

Pernik is ready for the noisiest and most colorful winter festival in Europe - ‎‎Surva

Bulgaria's town of Pernik is situated only 35 km southwest of Sofia and everyone knows it as the "town of ‎black gold" or "the town of miners". In recent years, however, the appearance of ‎Pernik has been changing and we increasingly associate the town..

23.01.25 15:05 |
Hristo Stoychev

Entramos en el taller de talla en madera del mercado artesanal Samovodska charshiya

El arte de la talla en madera se ha estado desarrollando durante siglos en tierras búlgaras. Cuando mayor importancia llegó a cobrar, fue en la época del Renacimiento búlgaro (siglos XVIII-XIX) cuando los elementos de madera tallada pasaron a formar..

18.01.25 19:33 |

Student exchange programs connect Veliko Tarnovo University with Bulgarian Sunday schools abroad

Methodological assistance, teacher training, meetings and educational programs in Bulgarian language and culture for students – these are just some of the ways in which the academic community of Veliko Tarnovo University "St. Cyril and Methodius" reaches..

16.01.25 12:45 |

Tsvetana Paskaleva – the recognizable face of Bulgaria in Armenia

"Every day, we should think about peace and the messages that politicians send,” journalist Tsvetana Paskaleva, who has been living in Armenia for 30 years, says. "The situation around us and in neighbouring countries is unstable and..

06.01.25 15:10 |

The good fortune of the New Year and how it can be found inside bread, walnuts or onion skins

The first day of January is a day filled with emotions and joyful anticipation of a prosperous year in which all family members will be healthy and will make all their dreams come true. In the traditional Bulgarian calendar, 1 January is known as..

31.12.24 18:05 |

2025 portends difficult survival for businesses against the backdrop of political instability and foreign policy challenges

The National Assembly postponed the discussion and voting of the most important fiscal law of the land – the national budget for 2025 – for next year. “If we do not have an approved budget by 19 January, then everything in the country will grind to a..

30.12.24 13:16 |
Daniel Spasov

The forgotten meaning of caroling traditions revealed by singer Daniel Spasov

Every holiday has its own flavour, its own 'clothes' and its own tunes. Christmas is no different. "Little is known about traditional Bulgarian carols and their purpose, little is said, and even the wrong things are said. But the most important thing is..

26.12.24 08:15 |