author: Dilyana Tracheva

"Bridge Between Generations" with favourite Bulgarian hits in Studio 1 of BNR

On February 22, in Studio 1 of the BNR, the Bulgarian National Radio Big Band will hold a concert titled ''Bridge Between Generations''. The concert features pop music hits performed by young singers. More 20 favorite pieces such as ''White Silence'',..

20.02.24 09:05 |

Alek Kirev - ''Who are You?''

Alek Kirev is an independent artist who, in addition to writing his own songs, takes care of every step for their further realization and distribution. Exactly a year after releasing his original album Gravity, Alek Kirev is ready with a new song..

16.02.24 09:10 |

"Se quedó dormida la abuela Dora": Nina Nikolina presenta su concierto de canciones populares de amor

En el mes del amor, la cantante Nina Nikolina ha preparado para su público dos grandes eventos de estreno, con el concierto-espectáculo "Canciones populares de amor", el 16 de febrero, donde también presentará su nuevo single. El..

15.02.24 10:30 |

Singer Nina Nikolina with a concert and new single

In the month of love, singer Nina Nikolina has prepared two events - a premiere concert called "Love Folk Songs" on February 16, in which she will also present a new single. The performance follows the trend of "Jazz & Traditions" - songs..

15.02.24 09:05 |

”Pornește-ți radio”

La rubrica Cântecul Zilei, sărbătorim Ziua Mondială a Radioului cu un cântec al lui Miroslav Kostadinov, pe care îl cunoaștem cu toții ca Miro - unul dintre cei mai populari și iubiți cântăreți bulgari. El însuși spune că radioul joacă un rol extrem de..

13.02.24 14:45 |

"Radio On"

W e celebrate World Radio Day with a song by Miroslav Kostadinov, whom we all know as Miro - one of the most popular and beloved Bulgarian singers. He says that radio has had an extremely important role in his life. When he..

13.02.24 06:50 |

"O sută de ani"

La rubrica Cântecul zilei ne vom întoarce la începutul noului mileniu, care a adus un nou avânt în muzica contemporană bulgară. Printre trupele de referință ale acelor vremuri se numără D2 - cu hituri care sună relevant și sunt cântate și astăzi. Unul..

12.02.24 14:15 |

D2 - ''100 Years''

In our music slot, we will go back to the beginning of the new millennium, when contemporary Bulgarian music experienced a new upswing. D2 is one of the iconic bands of that period. Its music hits sound topical and are sung even today. One of them is..

12.02.24 09:10 |

"Sueño": Los versos de Bilyana Angelova en la voz de Margarita Hranova

Bilyana Angelova es poeta y compositora, lo que la sitúa entre los pocos autores contemporáneos que escriben letras y música para algunos de los artistas búlgaros más populares y queridos. Fue ella quien escribió la música y la letra de éxitos como "En..

09.02.24 10:35 |

Margarita Hranova - "Dream"

Bilyana Angelova is a poet and composer, which makes her one of the few contemporary authors writing both lyrics and music for some of Bulgaria’s most popular and beloved artists. She wrote the music and the lyrics for music hits such as "Navisoko" -..

09.02.24 09:05 |