On 18 June, under the motto "Proud to be", Sofia Pride will hold a march and concert for the 15th time in support of the LGBTI community . Part of the donations will go to Kiev Pride. For the first time, a Pride information center is opening..
Më 18 qershor do të mbahet për herë të 15-të Sofia Pride - një procesion dhe një koncert në mbështetje të komunitetit LGBTI. Motoja e ngjarjes është "Të jesh krenar". Një pjesë e të ardhurave do të dhurohen për Kiev Pride. Për herë të parë..
Am 18. Juni findet unter dem Motto „Seien wir stolz“ zum 15. Mal die Sofia Pride statt, ein Umzug und Konzert zur Unterstützung der LGBTI-Community. Ein Teil des Erlöses soll an die KyivPride gespendet werden. Zum ersten Mal soll es auch ein..
Der Sofia Pride zieht am heutigen Samstag durch die Straßen der Hauptstadt - ein Marsch zur Unterstützung der LGBTI-Community (Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle, Trans- und Intersexuelle). Der Pride findet in Sofia seit 2008 jedes Jahr statt. Nachdem die..
Ce samedi 12 juin la Marche des fiertés (Sofia Pride) revient dans les rues de la capitale avec pour slogan « Des gens différents, des droits égaux ! ». Selon les organisateurs, la marche devra mettre l’accent sur le droit à une vie avec des droits égaux..
Το Σάββατο στους δρόμους της πρωτεύουσας θα περάσει η Sofia Pride – πορεία για υποστήριξη της κοινότητας LGBT+. Η πορεία στη Σόφια διεξάγεται κάθε χρόνο από το 2008. Αφού πέρυσι το γεγονός διεξήχθη online με εξαίρεση, φέτος οι διοργανωτές..
Të shtunën, Sofia Pride do të kalojë nëpër rrugët e kryeqytetit - një marshim në mbështetje të komunitetit LGBTI (lezbike, homoseksualë, biseksualë, njerëz trans dhe intereksualë). Parada mbahet çdo vit në Sofje që nga viti 2008. Pasi vitin e..
Sofia Pride – the march in support of the LGBTI community (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex) - is taking place in the capital of Bulgaria today. The Pride has been organized in Sofia every year since 2008. After taking place..
Cumartesi günü başkent sokaklarında LGBTI (lezbiyen, gey, biseksüel, transgender ve intersex) topluluğunu destekleyen ‘Sofia Pride’ yürüyüşü düzenlenecek. Bu etkinlik 2008 yılı itibarıyla her yıl düzenlenir. Bir istisna olarak ‘Sofia Pride’ geçen yıl..
The Sofia Pride Parade will be held on June 9 under the motto "Different People, Equal Rights!" According to organizers of the event, the parade should bring in public focus the right to equal living for LGBTI people. The calendar of accompanying..