This year, employers prefer to replace the 13th salary with Christmas events and bonuses. Less than 50% of companies in Bulgaria pay bonuses. Their size depends on the employee's performance, according to a survey by one of the leaders in the..
A working group comprising representatives of employers, trade unions and government experts is discussing the proposals of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy for introducing a new mechanism to determine the minimum wage. This is happening a day..
Yet Bulgaria remains uncompetitive as regards payment and working environment Employers in Bulgaria have been experiencing staff shortages for years – of both high and low-skilled workers. According to data of the Bulgarian Employment..
In the next 12 months Bulgaria is going to need more than 268,000 workers and specialists in various spheres, according to a study of employer needs by the National Employment Agency. Of these 268,000, the country will need 160,000 qualified..
Bulgaria’s Premier Nikolay Denkov and Turkiye’s Ambassador in Sofia Aylin Sekizkok agreed to hold a regional round table on the problems of investors in Northeast Bulgaria. Turkish companies are among the largest employers in the region, but have..
The tripartite cooperation council failed to reach agreement on the draft budget for 2023. Caretaker cabinet proposes a 2023 state budget with a 6.4% deficit Both employers and trade unions expressed serious concern over the excessive..
National Career Days 2023 opens up new prospects for the development of people’s talent and career growth. National Career Days offers an opportunity for live meetings and virtual interviews between employers and job seekers. Visitors will find..
The decision of the National Assembly on the minimum wage will be contested before the European Commission and the International Labor Organization. This was announced in Varna by the chairman of the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association,..
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, employers and trade unions did not agree on the minimum monthly salary. This became clear at a briefing after today's meeting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation. Bulgaria’s caretaker..
82% of employers plan to give their employees Christmas bonuses, according to a study by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, conducted among 100 branch organizations and enterprises from various sectors of the economy,..