May 6 is among the most popular days in Bulgaria – the Day of St. George and the Day of Valour and of the Bulgarian Armed Forces. 9 May is Europe Day, a day of unity for the continent. In the days in-between, Sofia will play host to the first..
It is the 63 rd day of the war in Ukraine. According to the UN, more than 5 million Ukrainians have left their homeland since the start of hostilities, 94,300 of them are on the territory of Bulgaria, of which more than 84,000 already have the..
Exactly one year ago, Radio Bulgaria presented the Bulgarian claimant for the European Charlemagne Youth Prize, Sofia 2021 . Today, the team of young people working on it have reached its final phase. The many months of work on the project will..
The last two years of living in a global pandemic have radically changed our way of life and worldview, and thus our dreams and aspirations for the future. If before that, young and active people in Bulgaria perceived having a well-paid job and..
oday's Day of Humor is a professional holiday for everyone involved in the art of illusion. 2022 marks the 47th anniversary of the founding of the Club of Illusionists in Bulgaria, which later grew into a trade union. On this occasion, the Fire..
Representative of a special kind of people - the non-conformists fighting against uncritical following of group norms, Dimitar Voev is one of the artistic symbols of the Bulgarian transition to democracy. A poet, musician, composer, he was a..
For the first time foreign art lovers will have the opportunity to see the works of one of the great Bulgarian artists - Ivan Milev, the director of the Art Gallery in Kazanlak Dr. Plamen Petrov has told Radio Bulgaria. Thanks to the efforts of..
For the third year in a row, Bulgaria’s State Agency for Child Protection will honour people and organizations that have helped children and their families regain their faith that kindness exists. "Today, more than ever, we all need to be..
"War is already in the cells of people around the world. We do not have a vaccine against this virus," actress Elena Petrova said on air a day ago. As a UNICEF goodwill ambassador, she said she was ready to go to Ukraine because "at a time..
Building your life in a new and different country is always a challenge. It is even greater for a woman who is forced to find herself in a similar situation with her children. Something thousands of Ukrainian women have been facing since..
Decizia de a trimite trupe în Ucraina este prerogativa exclusivă a parlamentului. Acest lucru este precizat într-o poziție a Ministerului de Externe cu..
Bulgaria a primit semnale încurajatoare la reuniunea Eurogrupului. „Țara a făcut progrese și mai mari în îndeplinirea criteriului de stabilitate a..
Cea de-a 33-a ediție a expoziției internaționale „Agra 2025” va aduce în prim-plan cele mai noi soluții tehnologice și inovații din domeniul agriculturii..