author: Diana Tsankova

Children draw their rights, while learning tolerance

In times when aggression and fists surround us in a sustainable manner, there is this foundation which has set as a goal to get the most vulnerable ones among us acquainted with their rights. That is done in order for our kids not to become..

27.04.18 13:56 |

Los niños dibujan sus derechos mientras aprenden tolerancia

Mientras las agresiones y la violencia física y verbal se abren camino por el mundo que nos rodea, una fundación se ha embarcado en la misión de enseñar sus derechos a los más vulnerables, para que nuestros niños no se conviertan en víctimas silenciosas..

27.04.18 11:53 |

“Atölyede Kahvaltı” sergisi ile Atanas Hranov’un ruhsal dünyasına davet

Ressam Atanas Hranov, yeni sergisi ile atölyesinin kapılarını aralamaktadır. Edebiyatçı Svetlozar Jhelev, başkentteki “Rakursi” galerisinde en parlak çağdaş ressamlarımızdan biri olan Atanas Hranov’un son sergisinin açılışını yaptı. Atanas Hranov,..

25.04.18 16:08 |

With "Breakfast in the Atelier" artist Atanas Hranov invites us for a walk in his spiritual maze

In his new exhibition artist Atanas Hranov opens the door to his atelier - a most intimate spiritual space, illuminated in the morning by mystical light. "Breakfast in the Atelier blurs the boundaries between imagination and reality and..

25.04.18 15:46 |

Con un “Desayuno en el taller” el artista Atanás Jranov invita al paseo por su laberinto espiritual

Atanás Jranov, artista del pincel, en su nueva exposición deja entreabierta la puerta de su taller, ese habitáculo espiritual más entrañable que en la mañana irradia una mística luz. ”Desayuno en el taller” deja difuminados los límites entre lo..

25.04.18 12:32 |

"Yüzyıllar boyunca hastalıklar ve tedavi" sergisi topraklarımızda tıp tarihini anlatıyor

Bulgaristan toprakalrında antik şifacılar, tanrısallığa güvenerek ve bitkilerin gücüne inanarak neşteracılarını Adamotu bitkisiyle(Mandragora autumnalis)yatıştırmaya çalışırmış.İlginçtir ki, bugün bile zaman zaman tedavilerde bu atavistik bilgilere..

18.04.18 10:31 |

Diseases and Treatment through the Ages exhibition – short overview of medicine in Bulgarian lands

Ancient healers across Bulgarian lands used Mandragora /mandrake/ against the scalpel’s pain, leant on gods and trusted the power of herbs. Their successors step on their knowledge even today. There were no different diseases back in..

17.04.18 12:42 |

“Enfermedades y tratamiento a través de los siglos” presenta en breve la medicina en las tierras búlgaras

Los antiguos curanderos que poblaban las tierras de Bulgaria mitigaban el dolor causado por el bisturí usando mandrágora, confiaban en las deidades y creían en el poderío de las hierbas curativas. Sus seguidores echan mano, incluso hoy en día, de su..

17.04.18 12:28 |

“Poetry in the Metro”: insights into the power of words

Does poetry stand a chance in a buzzing beehive like the metro? Yes, indeed, having in mind that for a third year running the Polish Cultural Institute in Sofia jointly with Literaturen Vestnik (The Literature Newspaper) has urged citizens to..

15.04.18 08:00 |

Bulgarian company to compete for USD 1 mln. award

The NASEKOMO startup, developing an innovative technology for conversion of organic waste into an alternative protein source via the black fly larvae will present this country at the final of the Chivas Venture 2018 contest for business with a..

14.04.18 08:00 |