author: Diana Tsankova

The Carved House in the village of Malak Porovets

A self-taught master followed his dreams and for one and a half years he transformed into works of art the images that filled his imagination and made him compete with his fastest enemy-time. One day he left this word while he was enjoying..

13.11.19 14:49 |

Los archivos del Estado presentan al poeta y satírico búlgaro Radoy Ralin en el espejo del tiempo

También hoy en día, al evocar los primeros mítines democráticos, los búlgaros recordamos su figura carismática, la barba de perilla y el pelo despeinado, y como si de nuevo se oyera el eco de sus palabras llamando al pluralismo, las..

13.11.19 09:00 |

Babalar haftasında ebeveynler çocukları ile birlikte kitap okuyorlar

Ard arda 6. yıldır düzenlenen Babalar Haftası etkinliğinin odağında aktif babalık ve çocuklar ile babalar arasında sağlıklı ve güçlü bağlantının kurulmasının yolları yer alır. Çünkü güven veren, koruma sağlayan, seven bir ebeveyn her..

12.11.19 13:50 |

Bulgarian Archives State Agency presents Radoy Ralin in the Mirror of Time

His charming figure emerges in our minds as we recall the first democratic rallies in Bulgaria. His calls for pluralism, free elections and human rights continue to be repeated today. Radoy Ralin did not bow to authorities and regimes but..

12.11.19 13:20 |

La Semaine des pères sera placée sous le signe de la lecture !

Comment les enfants et les pères pourraient établir une bonne et forte relation entre eux afin que les adolescents puissent grandir calmes et sûrs d’eux. Le sujet de la paternité active est pour la 6 ème année consécutive au focus de la Semaine..

11.11.19 15:03 |

During Fathers’ Week parents will read books with their children

How to build a good and strong bond between children and fathers, how to help children grow up self-assured and successful in a trouble-free environment, and help fathers feel stable and secure ? For the 6 th year running active..

11.11.19 13:57 |

Los padres leerán libros con sus hijos en la Semana del Padre

La Semana del Padre se centra por 6º año consecutivo en el tema de la paternidad activa: cómo los niños y los padres construyen vínculos buenos y fuertes entre ellos para que de adolescentes sean tranquilos, seguros y exitosos y que los padres se..

11.11.19 13:55 |

Sofya’nın en görkemli kamu binaları Ukraynalı mimar Mihaylo Paraşçuk’un imzasını taşıyor

Geçen yüzyılın ilk yarısına ait en gösterişli kamu binaların bazılarına bakınca gözümüz, binayı etkileyici kılan ve göz alıcı görünümünü tamamlayan mimari oğelere takılıyor. Peki, Milli Kütüphane, Sofya Üniversitesi, Halk Meclisi,..

09.11.19 08:30 |

Superman Project encourages people to live their dreams

Georgi Nenov has been providing a tribune to the ‘superhumans’ among us Although he says that the only thing that connects him with philosopher Nietzsche is his knowledge of German, in his podcast, "The Superhuman," Georgi meets people who have..

08.11.19 15:00 |

Mikhailo Parashchuk from Ukraine, the man who crafted the ornaments on some of Bulgaria’s most emblematic buildings

Looking up at the stately public buildings from the first half of the 20 th century, what strikes onlookers most are the sculptural and architectural elements that lend the final touches to the atmosphere these buildings create...

07.11.19 14:19 |