author: Yoan Kolev

Three Bulgarians help provide “color vision to colorful people”

The surrounding world is a big color palette but not everyone could see the various shades. This is so because many people suffer from some form of color blindness. Some 300 million people across the world are color blind and their life is full..

01.08.17 13:24 |

Le Musée ethnographique à Sofia ouvre ses portes aux jeunes apprentis

Le Musée ethnographique national qui se trouve à Sofia est la mémoire vivante de notre pays, ce qui ne l’empêche pas de s’ouvrir aux jeunes en leur proposant pendant l’été des activités aussi intéressantes que passionnantes…Telles les formations..

28.07.17 15:27 |

National Ethnology Museum in Sofia shows magic of handicraft in new children’s educational center

Learning through interactive games, out-of-school lessons, handicraft courses led by professional craftsmen – these are some of the planned activities in the future educational center at the National Ethnology Museum in Sofia. In 2016 the..

28.07.17 15:20 |

Sofya’da Etnografya Müzesi zanaatların sihrini çocuk eğitim merkezinde sergiliyor

Milli Etnografya Müzesinde kurulacak olan eğitim merkezinde çocuklara interaktif oyunlar, dersler, okul dışı atölyeler ve geleneksel zanaatlar kursları sunulacak.2016 yılında müze ”Halkını sevmek için geleneklerini tanı” adlı bir kampanya..

28.07.17 15:17 |

Bir mobil uygulama ormanlarda yasadışı ağaç kesiminin ve ihlallerin bulunmasına katkı sağlıyor

Аğaç kesimi, toplumu, ekoloji uzmanlarını ve devlet kurumlarını kaygılandırmaya devam eden ciddi bir sorundur. Çevre koruma teşkilatlarının verilerine göre ormanların yaklaşık yüzde 1’i kesiliyor, ağaç kesiminden gelirler ise yılda yaklaşık 100..

27.07.17 14:21 |

Mobile application helps expose illegal logging and law violations in forests

Logging is a serious problem across Bulgarian forests which wouldn’t stop causing alarm among the society, as well as among environmentalists, foresters and state institutions. Data of environmental organizations says that some 1% of the..

27.07.17 13:00 |

Une application mobile contre l’abattage criminel des arbres

La coupe illégale d’arbres est un grave problème qui préoccupe sérieusement institutions, militants écolos, agents forestiers mais aussi tout un chacun en Bulgarie. Des chiffres éloquents ont été publiés par les organisations de protection de..

27.07.17 11:01 |

White Rabbit Red Rabbit - show of spontaneous action

How does a theatre play without producer and rehearsals sounds like? You are wrong if you think that such play is impossible. We are to tell you about the White Rabbit Red Rabbit monodrama where both the audience and the actor have not idea what..

26.04.17 11:25 |

“Conejo blanco, conejo rojo”, el espectáculo de acción espontánea

¿Cómo suena actuar sin puesta en escena y sin director ni ensayos? Quien piense que no es posible estará en un error. Hablaremos del monoespectáculo “Conejo blanco, conejo rojo”, en el que ni el público ni el actor saben lo qué sucederá. Lo único que..

19.04.17 13:27 |

Recycle, save this planet !

Latest data show that some 7.3 bln. people live on the Earth. The waste we throw away is a problem for this planet which however is not discussed sufficiently yet. At the same time the so-called green initiatives have been growing in number..

17.04.17 11:05 |