author: Yoan Kolev

Vladimir Velitchkov (2e de droite à gauche) avec l'ensemble Jarava.

Une formation d’étudiants bulgares fait son entrée dans Еthnocloud

Qui ne connaît le folklore bulgare et la magie qu’il exerce sur des générations entières ? C’est un des fleurons de la Bulgarie, une valeur sûre, comme diraient nos anciens. A preuve, les motifs, refrains ou chants traditionnels entiers que l’on..

15.09.17 16:05 |

Student folklore formation places in EthnoCloud’s Top 40

The magic of Bulgaria’s folklore has been captivating Bulgarians and foreign nationals for centuries. It is part of Bulgaria’s image abroad and motifs of different songs are used by many world musicians in their pieces. Thus, the Bulgarian..

15.09.17 12:27 |

A la découverte des multiples visages de Sofia

Les 100 visages de Sofia, telle est l'intitulé d’une initiative, lancée par un conseiller municipal de la Ville de Sofia, à la veille du 17 septembre, fête de Sainte Sophie et de ses trois filles, Foi, Amour et Espérance, et de la capitale de..

12.09.17 14:50 |

Discover different face of Sofia

“Sofia, Sofia – my little London, Sofia, Sofia, I love you…” late actor Todor Kolev used to sing in his Song for the Favorite City. We may love it or hate it, but Sofia is our home and we should try to make it a better place to live, despite..

12.09.17 14:31 |

Gerçek evinin keşfedebilindiği Kiselçovo köyü

Hayat, bizim geleceğe dair planlar kurarken asıl meyadan gelen olaylardan, ibarettir. Ancak bunu kavradığımız zaman,   sadece var olmakla yetinmeyip gerçek anlamda yaşamaya başlarız. İşte o zaman günlük hayatımız değişmeye başlayacak, bizler kendimiz..

12.09.17 09:10 |

The Village of Kiselchovo, a home to live an authentic life

“ Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans ” . Once we come to terms with this truth we will begin living real lives other than mere existence. This is what has happened to a citizen of the world who has turned her back..

08.09.17 15:10 |

“Ayuda a una persona en apuros y redescúbrete a ti mismo”

Las vacaciones escolares van tocando a su fin y pronto volverá a sonar el primer timbre que marcará el comienzo del nuevo año escolar. Los niños entrarán en las aulas y comentarán entre sí sus vivencias veraniegas. Para algunos las vacaciones habrán sido..

29.08.17 13:44 |

Çocuklara eğlence, gençlere danışma, yaşlılara sağlık desteği kampanyası

Tatil sona ermek üzere, yakında ilk okul zili çalacak. Öğrenciler dersliklere girecek ve tatilde yaşadıklarını birbirleri ile paylaşacaklar. Bazılarının yaz tatili, eğlence ve seyahat dolu olurken diğerleri yazı çalışıp ailelerine yardım etmekle..

29.08.17 13:31 |

„Eté amusant, automne studieux“ : une campagne pour les oubliés des vacances

Les grandes vacances touchent à leur fin et bientôt les enfants vont retourner à l’école, impatients de raconter leurs aventures et d’entendre celles des autres. Mais si l’été est divertissant pour les uns, pour d’autres c’est une période de..

29.08.17 13:21 |

Help a person in need and rediscover yourself

The summer vacation is near its end and school will soon open again. Children will enter the classrooms and would be telling stories about their summer experiences. For some summer was full of trips and fun, for others it was a time of work and..

29.08.17 13:03 |