La pandémie de Covid-19 est un sujet brûlant à l'agenda mondial, mais la réaction tardive des institutions européennes dans ses premiers cas a montré leur faiblesse dans la protection des citoyens européens. Dans ce contexte, un certain nombre..
"Once in my adolescent years I used to love this artist very much. Reproductions of his works were a permanent decoration in Bulgarian schools “, the writer Dimitar Avramov recalls in his book dedicated to painter Dimitar Gyudzhenov. “Nowhere..
Nombreuses sont les pages de la riche histoire du plus vieux média électronique en Bulgarie. Elles contiennent des informations sur les émissions consacrées aux enfants, diffusées en direct au début, Ces émissions ont commencé même avant la..
Quite a few pages from the rich history of the oldest electronic media in this country have stored information about broadcasting specialized programs aimed at children's audience, as in the beginning broadcasts were entirely live. Their start..
Bulgaristan’ın en eski elektronik medyası BNR’nin çocuklara yönelik genellikle canlı olan ilk yayınlarına ilişkin birçok kaynak mevcut. Çocuk yayınları, Çar Emri ile radyonun kurulduğu 25 Ocak 1935 yılından öncesine dayanmakta. İlk çocuk programları..
The upcoming parliamentary elections on April 4th will be different than any of the previous ones. The reason, of course, is that they will take place in a situation of pandemic. No institution or government in Europe or in the world is able to..
Les prochaines législatives du 4 avril seront différentes de toutes les élections qu’on a déjà connues. La pandémie est la principale raison pour cette incertitude. Il n’y a pas d’institutions ou de gouvernement en Europe ou dans le monde qui..
Avrupa Parlamentosu’nun bu yıl birçok önemli soruna cevap vermesi ve çözümler bulması bekleniyor. Onlardan ikisini İngiltere ile AB’nin resmen “boşanması” ve pandemi krizi sonuçlarıyla mücadele ve aşı takvimi konusundaki sorunlar oluşturacak. Her iki..
Plusieurs problèmes importants doivent trouver solution cette année au Parlement européen. Deux de ces problèmes concernent directement le « divorce » déjà acté entre l’UE et la Grande-Bretagne, tout comme ceux liés à la vaccination et à la..
There are a number of important problems that have to be discussed and resolved by the European Parliament this year. Two of them are: the now official “divorce” between the EU and the UK, and the vaccinations and addressing the far-reaching..
Comisia Electorală Centrală amână, cu 18 ore, înmânarea rezultatelor recalculate de la alegerile parlamentare Comisia Electorală Centrală (CEC) a decis..
Adunarea Națională a Bulgariei organizează o reuniune extraordinară în cadrul căreia deputații audiază conducerea Comisiei Electorale Centrale și a..
Comisia Electorală Centrală trebuie să efectueze recalcularea rezultatelor alegerilor dispusă de Curtea Constituțională, ceea ce va clarifica dacă se..