La presse quotidienne réserve une place de plus en plus importante à la campagne électorale en vue des législatives anticipées du 5 octobre. 20 jours avant le scrutin, le Ministère de l’Intérieur a fait savoir que la situation était très calme, trop..
En fin de semaine, le gouvernement démissionnaire et, plus spécialement, le ministre de l’Economie Dragomir Stoynev ont déployé de frénétiques efforts au niveau du projet de construction d’un septième réacteur sur le site de la centrale nucléaire de..
L’événement numéro 1 de l’actualité politique bulgare de la semaine qui s’écoule est sans aucun doute la démission du premier ministre Plamen Orécharski et de son gouvernement. Comme il arrive dans une situation pareille, l’opposition, en la personne du..
Croacia vende su principal puerto fluvial El Gobierno croata ha decidido convocar una licitación para la privatización del Puerto de Vukovar, que es al 100% propiedad del Estado. El valor nominal del puerto asciende a 5.000.000 de euros y el plazo para..
Después de adherirse a la OTAN en 2004, Bulgaria ha servido una vez más de tribuna de la propaganda de la Alianza, dirigida esta vez a la costa opuesta del mar Negro. Bajo el pretexto de afrontar los nuevos desafíos, a entender, la fallida “revolución..
Bulgaria joined NATO in 2004 and once again became a platform for propaganda of the Alliance, this time focused towards the opposite shore of the Black Sea. Under the pretext of dealing with new challenges, which is actually the failure of the..
The government of Plamen Oresharski, which was born in sin after the union of the two parties that lost the early elections in May 2013 – BSP and the MRF, started its rule with the quintessence of insolence, political condescension and lack of..
2013 Mayıs ayında Bulgaristan Sosyalist Partisi ve Hak ve Özgürlükler Hareketi arasında GERB’e karşı müttefik güç gösterisiyle oluşan Oreşarski hükümeti bir yılını tamamladı. Bu hükümet çalışmalarına hassas bir parlamenter denge ve milletvekili..
One of the highlights in the press today is the looming conflict between Sofia and Brussels on the issue of the South Stream gas pipeline . We are going to build the gas pipeline despite instructions from the European Commission to halt the project and..
The 3 rd EP election in Bulgaria took place last Sunday after its 2007 EU accession. The Bulgarians cast their ballot and sent to Strasbourg representatives of pro-European parties only, locking in the basement ultra-nationalist formations, such..
İstihdam Ajansı’nın verilerine göre, Bulgaristan’da 29 yaş altı işsizlerin neredeyse yarısı lise mezunu . Bu yaş grubunda işsiz olarak kayıtlı..
Pazartesi günü ülke genelinde güneşli hava etkili olacak. Batı-kuzeybatıdan hafif rüzgar esecek. En düşük hava sıcaklığı 0-5 derece arasında, Sofya’da..
Ahmet Doğan’ın başını çektiği “Alians za prava i svobodi” /APS/ , “Prodaljavame promyanata-Demokratik Bulgaristan” /PP-DB/ nin Delyan..