The new parliamentary season in Bulgaria started with promises for fateful political decisions. The leader of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms Lutvi Mestan directly proposed to Premier Borissov to revise the government formula. Bulgaria’s..
La nueva temporada parlamentaria se inició con promesas de decisiones políticas cruciales y con algo que resultaba familiar. Antes del paréntesis de verano, pues, el “compromiso histórico” había colocado al Movimiento por Derechos y Libertades en la..
For months, the situation in neighbouring Greece has been in the focus of public attention. Greece has also been an important topic for polling agencies. Gallup International conducted such a poll in the period July 30–August 6. Bulgarian citizens..
For several days media attention in Bulgaria has been focused on the French citizen of Iranian origin Ezidis Elham and Romanian citizen Mimo Popescu who are wanted by the police. The lack of timely information by Bulgaria’s Interior Ministry has..
The European Union may give Greece a second short-term bridge loan, if the talks under the agreement of the third bailout programme continue for too long, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said in an interview for..
Bulgarian youth delegates, selected after a transparent national competition have become part of the Bulgarian delegation to the UN General Assembly and will work on UN resolutions on youth rights just like active diplomats. A similar position..
Diputados juveniles búlgaros elegidos a raíz de un concurso nacional transparente se incorporan a la delegación de Bulgaria ante la Asamblea general de la ONU y trabajan en torno a las resoluciones de la ONU teniendo derechos comparables con los de un..
Bulgaria's population may decrease by almost 30 percent by 2050, a report of the UN on the demographic development of the world forecasts. This way the current population of 7.5 million Bulgarians would melt to 5.154 million by the middle of the..
Es posible que la población de Bulgaria se reduzca en casi un 30% hasta el año 2050. Loaugura el informe de la ONU sobre el desarrollo demográfico en el mundo. Así de los 7,5 millones de habitantes actualmente los búlgaros podremos sumar 5 millones 154..
No será exagerado decir que al término de la Década para la Inclusión de los Romá, se vuelven cada vez más marcados los síntomas de una exclusión duradera. Se puede arribar a esta conclusión en base a los datos de un sondeo nacional representativo..
CNN-Türk televizyonunun haberine göre, Türkiye’nin güneybatısında bulunan Denizli ilinde yolcu otobüsü ile kamyonun çarpışması sonucu bir..
Delyan Peevski 2 Aralık’ta Sofya Şehir Mahkemesine başvurarak, DPS /HÖH/ yönetiminin değişmesini talep etti. Delyan Peevski, Cevdet Çakırov’un..
Geçici hükümette Başbakan Dimitar Glavchev, Hollanda hükümetinin Bulgaristan’ın Schengen’e katılımını desteklediğini doğruladı . Glavchev,..