Las interpretaciones de Slavka Sekútova son un ejemplo del canto ingénito de la zona de Gráovo, que forma parte de la tradición musical de la región folklórica del Shopluk, concretamente de la provincia de Pernik y dos de sus municipios: Rádomir y..
The performances of Slavka Sekutova are an example of the traditional singing in the Bulgarian region of Graovo - part of the Shoppe musical tradition, typical of the regions of Pernik, Radomir and Breznik. The famous Bulgarian singer says: "I..
C’est une des icônes du folklore authentique de Graovo, une région proche de la grande banlieue de Sofia, qui s’étend entre les villes de Pernik, Radomir et Breznik. Et comme le dit Slavka Sékoutova elle-même, "les mots ne suffisent pas pour..
Ville portuaire au bord du fleuve Danube, Vidin a toujours été un carrefour de différentes cultures et traditions venues de Serbie, Roumanie et plus largement des Balkans. Au long des siècles, ces différentes influences ont aussi laissé leurs..
La ciudad de Vidin se sitúa en la esquina noroeste de Bulgaria. Su ubicación, a lo largo de la ribera del Danubio, y la proximidad de Rumania y Serbia determinan las influencias mutuas de las culturas tradicionales. Los siglos de convivencia..
Vidin is a port city situated on the southern bank of Danube River in North-West Bulgaria. It is close to the borders with Romania and Serbia and the local culture is influenced by the culture of those two countries as well. The long-term..
Dans l’imaginaire des Bulgares, les habitants de la région à l’ouest de Sofia dits Chopes sont un peuple particulier. Rudes, têtus mais drôles, ils aiment s’amuser et profiter de la vie. Leurs coutumes, culture et dialecte ont été aussi..
Experts in the specific song from Graovo folkore region evaluate highly the music style of Bulgarian folk singer Sorina Bogomilova and all music fans are touched by her brilliant singing. Sorina has inherited that gift from her family...
Los conocedores de la canción específica de la región folclórica sudoccidental de Gráovo (provincia de Pernik) aprecian su estilo, y los amantes de la música se deleitan con su brillante canto. La cantante folklórica Sorina Bogomílova es heredera del..
The people living in the Shoppe region have a reputation for being fun-loving and cheerful. They have a philosophy all their own, their own way of doing things, their own culture as well as an inimitable sense of humour and a self-irony they have..
11 Ekim – 1 Kasım tarihleri arasında “Eurobarometer” tarafından yapılan araştırma sonuçlarına göre, Bulgaristan vatandaşlarının Avro..
Bulgar Ticaret Odası'na üye şirketlerin yüzde 41’i 2025 yılında ekonomide düşüş beklediğini kaydetti . Şirketlerin yüzde 21’i 2024’e göre bir..
Macaristan Başbakanı Viktor Orban 20 Aralık, Cuma günü Bulgairstan’ı ziyarete geliyor. BGNES ajansının bu haberi resmi makamlardan hala..