Günün Programı

author: Albena Bezovska

Plamena Mangova, sobre su concierto con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Radio Nacional de Bulgaria y sus próximas apariciones en prestigiosos escenarios

El pasado 12 de febrero, la Orquesta Sinf ó nica de Radio Nacional de  Bulgaria dio un concierto en la sala Bulgaria bajo la batuta del director Naiden Todorov. La solista era Plamena Mangova, cuyos éxitos en los escenarios de todo..

14.02.16 09:15 |

New album features works of Bulgarian jazz composers

Famous jazz musician Ventsislav Blagoev has gathered in one album works of 9 Bulgarian jazz composers who are representatives of several generations. He is a soloist of all the pieces, playing the flugelhorn, cornet and trumpet. The edition..

13.02.16 09:40 |

Plamena Mangova ve prestijli sahnelerde konserleri

12 Şubat günü Bulgaristan Milli Radyosu Senfoni orkestrası ve orkestra şefi Nayden Todorov konser verecekler. Solist ise dünya sahnelerinde başarılarını devamlı takip ettiğimiz Plamena Mangova. Plamena Johannes Brahms ’ın birinci konçertosunu ve..

12.02.16 11:12 |

Plamena Mangova about her concert with the BNR Symphony Orchestra and other upcoming events

On 12 February the Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra is having a concert at Bulgaria Hall with conductor Nayden Todorov and soloist Plamena Mangova, whose successes on world stages we have been following for years...

11.02.16 11:58 |

I create my art with great love: Encho Pironkov, days ahead of his exhibition in Sofia

Following a long absence from exhibition halls, artist Encho Pironkov opens an exhibition on 10 February at Forum Gallery in Sofia. On opening day the vernissage will run from 6 to 8 pm, and visitors will be able to see the display until..

09.02.16 11:00 |

Exposition d’Entcho Pironkov à Sofia

Après une longue absence des salles d’exposition bulgares, Entcho Pironkov invite ses amis à la galerie "Forum" dans la capitale bulgare le 10 février pour le vernissage de son exposition qui sera ouverte au public jusqu’à la mi-mars. Pironkov..

09.02.16 10:55 |

Bulgar jazz bestecileri

Ünlü jazz müzisyeni Ventsislav Blagoev, farklı nesillerden dokuz Bulgar jazz bestecinin eserlerini bir albümde topladı. Ventsislav Blagoev, adı geçen tüm eserlerde solo sanatçısı olarak flugelhorn, kornet ve trompet çalıyor. Bulgaristan’da eşi benzeri..

08.02.16 12:51 |

Sretenie Gospodne, İkinci Trifu ve Petlövden

Büyük Hristiyan bayramları olduğu gibi, 2 Şubat’ta kutlanan Sretenie Gospodne günü eski Pagan dönemlerine uzanan halk geleneklerine sahip. Sretenie dışında halk bayramı İkinci Trifun Günü veya Petlövden- Horoz günü olarak adlandırıyor...

02.02.16 14:01 |

Folk Studio: Candlemas, Second Trifunets or Rooster Day…

As most Christian feast days, the presentation of Jesus Christ in the temple or Candlemas (2 February) has its ancient folklore equivalent whose roots lie buried in the mists of pagan times. Besides Candlemas, it also goes by the name of second..

02.02.16 13:38 |

La Presentación del Niño Jesús en el templo

Como la mayoría de las festividades cristianas importantes, la Presentación del Niño Jesús, celebrada el día 2 de febrero, tiene también su rancia variante folclórica, cuyas raíces se remontan a ignotas épocas paganas. Además de fiesta de la..

02.02.16 12:50 |