Günün Programı

author: Albena Bezovska

İnsan ve dağın kendi masalına daldıkları yer -Dolen köyünde “Transfiguration”

“Transfiguration – Behind the Threshold” festivalinin ilki 6 Ağustos tarihinde başlayıp 9 Ağustos’ta son bulacak. Uzun zamandır festival hazırlıkların sürdüğü yer de Dolen köyü. Köy, bir rastlantı sonucu seçilmedi. Dolen köyünde eski otantik Rodop köyün..

05.08.15 15:57 |

Where man and mountain carve out a fairytale they can call their own – Transfiguration in Dolen village

The first edition of the Transfiguration – Behind the Threshold festival opens in the village of Dolen on August 6 th and will be on until the 8 th . The choice of venue is no coincidence. Dolen – an authentic Rhodope village is an architectural..

05.08.15 12:55 |

Trakya Topluluğundan “Nesillerin buluşması”

Plovdiv’de  Ağustos’ta Antik Tiyatro sahnesinde “Trakya” topluluğundan şimdiye kadar gelmişi geçmiş sanatçılar bir araya geldi. Folklor topluluğunun dünyanın değişik noktalarından yüzlerce dostu ve hayranı da bu ihtişamlı konsere geldi. Konser..

03.08.15 14:00 |
The winners - the ensemble from Mezdra

Gold Dust Festival in Chelopech – youth, beauty and a love of tradition

Colourful dances, lively folk music, youth and… lots of fun – that is what the Gold Dust International Folklore Festival in the village of Chelopech (23-26 July) will be remembered for. This was only the second edition of the festival..

02.08.15 09:00 |

In memoriam - Georgi Badev

Prominent Bulgarian violinist Georgi Badev has passed away. He was an artist of high rank, a musician with a huge contribution to Bulgarian and world culture. And last but not least - a very modest man. Georgi Badev was born in Vidin where he began..

31.07.15 14:33 |

Trakia ensemble – when generations meet

On August 2 the Ancient Theatre in Plovdiv will bring together people who are now or have sometime in the past, been members of the Trakia ensemble. Hundreds of loyal friends and fans are expected to attend, arriving from all corners of the..

31.07.15 14:07 |

En Memoria de Gueorgui Badev

Se fue de este mundo el gran violinista búlgaro, Gueorgui Badev – un intérprete de muy alto rango, un músico que ha dado un enorme aporte a la cultura nacional y mundial. Y no en último lugar, una persona muy humilde. Nació en la ciudad de Vidin donde..

31.07.15 13:05 |

El Festival folclórico de Rozhen - encuentros con el público y los participantes

Tras nueve años de interrupción del festival de Rozhen, en este año 2015, se congregaron más de 8 mil intérpretes, 315 formaciones de canto, más 25 conjuntos folclóricos. Detrás de estas   escuetas cifras están los preparativos, los viajes y las..

25.07.15 09:10 |

Ravnogor köyünde yerel bayramlar, gayda yarışmaları ve mini festival

Rodop dağında bulunan Ravnogor köyünde (Bratsigovo’ya yakın) her Temmuz sonu düzenlenen geleneksel festivaller var- “Nabora” bayramı, küçük folklor festivali ve geçen senden beri yapılan gayda yarışması. Çeviri: Esin Galib

24.07.15 15:04 |

Ravnogor: a bagpipe competition and a mini-festival

By tradition, the village of Ravnogor in the Rhodope Mountains hosts a few festivals at the end of July: the mini-festival Nabora and since last year, a bagpipe playing competition. They offer a lot of folk music and dances and attract Bulgarians and..

24.07.15 13:52 |