The depopulation of Northwestern Bulgaria, which was officially declared the poorest region in the EU, has started to affect many districts of the Central North and Northeastern Bulgaria such as Razgrad, Silistra and Lovech, the latest research of..
In vino, veritas - the ancient Latin saying has it. To put it simple, wine is also one of the most preferred goods on the market today. The end of the AGRA International Agricultural Exhibition and several preceding trade expositions in Paris and..
In 2014 the European Investment Bank /EIB/ granted EUR 610 million to Bulgaria, or around 123 percent more than in 2013, said Mr. László Baranyay, vice-president of the institution. Over the 1992 – 2014 period the bank gave loans to projects,..
Gjatë vitit 2014 Banka Evropiane e Investimeve (EIB) i ka dhënë Bullgarisë 610 mln euro, pra me afro 123 për qind më shumë në krahasim me një vit më parë. Këtë e bëri me dije Zëvendës presidenti i Bankës, z. Laslo Baranjaj. Në periudhën 1992-2014 Banka..
Con un número mínimo de participantes, alrededor de 80 pequeños productores y comerciantes de productos de la industria ligera, se inició la cuarta exposición “Confíe en lo Búlgaro”,cuyo objetivo es estimular el consumo de mercancías búlgaras. La..
The explanatory campaign on direct payments under the Rural Development OP kicks off with a budget of more than EUR 700 million. The goal is the producers to get acquainted with the major requirements, payment methods and also with the criteria..
Arranca la campaña informativa para los pagos directos en el marco del Programa Operativo de Desarrollo de las Zonas Rurales con un presupuesto de más de 700 millones de euros. El objetivo es que los productores búlgaros conozcan los requisitos..
Deri më 22 mars në Pallatin Kombëtar të Kulturës në Sofje mbahet Ekspozita e 4-të e mallrave bullgare. 80 ndërmarrje të vogla me veprimtari në industrinë e lehtë ekspozojnë prodhimet e veta në kuadër të aktivitetit “Besojini prodhimit bullgar”. Ky..
The fourth edition of the expo “Place your trust in Bulgarian-made products” - kicked off at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia on March 13 with the participation of some 80 small scale light industry manufacturers and traders. The exposition..
“In vino veritas”, reza un proverbio latino. Traduciéndolo en términos menos poéticos hemos de decir simplemente que el vino es una de las bebidas predilectas del consumidor que le ofrece el mercado. La razón por la que retomamos hoy el tema del vino..
Le groupe de hackers "Ransmohouse" a annoncé sur son site qu'il possédait des données volées à des systèmes informatiques de la Cour administrative suprême..
"Personne n'a jamais soumis à discussion la question de l'envoi de contingents militaires en Ukraine pour combattre dans la guerre qui oppose ce pays..
A Plovdiv est organisée la 14e Conférence scientifique et pratique internationale sur les problèmes de l'industrie agro-alimentaire, conformément aux..