The Day of Sofia , which is celebrated every year on 17 September, is a good occasion to get to know more about the rich past of the capital of Bulgaria - from ancient times to the present day. Besides being named after one of its symbols - the..
Për një vit tjetër Agjencia për Bullgarët jashtë Shtetit do të nderojë fëmijët e bashkatdhetarëve tanë në mbarë botën që morën pjesë në konkurse për këngë, vizatim apo vepër letrare kushtuar vendit tonë. Ceremonia zyrtare do të mbahet më 3 gusht..
There are more than 70 million deaf people worldwide, collectively using more than 200 sign languages. In Bulgaria, the number of people with varying degrees of hearing loss is around 120 000.As part of society, they are entitled to equal access to..
The National Palace of Culture (NDK), located in the heart of the capital Sofia, is the largest and most prestigious congress centre in Bulgaria. In the 1980s it was a model of a new era in the cultural industry. But there is much more to it. In four..
The Covid-19 pandemic left over 1,400 tour guides jobless due to the travel restrictions introduced for tourists from other countries and Bulgarians who have chosen to visit particular destination. The people known as “little ambassadors” are worried..
In the last few weeks, we have witnessed the gradual lifting of various bans connected with the Covid-19 pandemic. Normality and predictability in everyday life returned. City tours are among the best indicators of the revival of tourism,..
In addition to being the day of children, June 1 st also marks the beginning of carefree holiday months for the youngest pupils in Bulgaria - those from the 1 st to the 3 rd grade. And while the games completely fill their minds after the end of..
We live in times when something that can change the world completely happens every minute. We are witnessing completely new achievements of the technological revolution and constantly changing needs of the economic and investment environment on a..
Perhaps you would be surprised to learn that for every pain or health problem you can find a suitable healing mineral spring in Bulgaria. There are over 500 mineral springs in this country with a total flow of nearly 5,000 liters of water per second,..
A Swedish-Swiss concern for the manufacture of electrification products and industrial automation continues developing its business in Bulgaria and opened a new factory in the town of Petrich (Southwest Bulgaria). The company opened its second..
Il y a trois ans, la Russie envahissait l’Ukraine, remettant en question un des objectifs majeurs de l’UE : éviter un nouveau conflit sur le Vieux..
"La Bulgarie a demandé un rapport de convergence extraordinaire, vu qu'elle remplit tous les critères d'adhésion à la zone euro". C'est ce qu'a déclaré le..
La Bulgarie participera à des appels d'offres groupés dans la sphère de la Défense au sein de l'UE pour l'acquisition des systèmes de lance-missile..