Podcast en français

author: Diana Tsankova

Administrative obstacles make production at farmers’ markets more expensive

Those people who eat organic food buy it mostly from the so-called farmers’ markets. However, those are situated predominantly in big cities and the trading farmers face a series of difficulties – ceased agricultural subsidies to begin with,..

26.09.18 13:36 |

Trabas administrativas encarecen la producción en los mercados de los granjeros

Las personas que se alimentan de productos puros biológicos se suelen surtir de éstos básicamente en los llamados mercados de granjeros. Estos emporios existen, sin embargo, únicamente en las grandes aglomeraciones urbanas, y los productores que..

26.09.18 13:24 |

Saca un perro de un refugio, su raza es amor

Con una amplia sonrisa y un corazón fiel, Vivaldi pide afecto acudiendo a los brazos de cualquiera que se le acerque. En el espacioso prado del Parque del Sur de Sofía, busca a un amigo que coja su correa y se lo lleve a su casa para siempre...

24.09.18 08:00 |

Adopt a dog from a shelter: its breed is love

With a wide smile and a faithful heart, seeking physical contacts with passersby, the dog Vivaldi is looking for a friend who would take him by the leash and take him home. Adoption Day in Sofia’s South Park on which the dog shelter in..

21.09.18 16:40 |

Şişkovtsi’de serilen “Balkan Çergesi” Bulgaristan, Sırbistan ve Makedonya halkını bir araya getiriyor

Artık sekizinci yıl Küstendil’in Şişkovtsi köyünde Bulgarlar, Sırplar, Makedonlar aynı çerge üzerine oturup sadece en son hasattan üretilmiş rakıyı ve kuru yufkadan yapılmış “lahanalı   böreğini” paylaşmakla kalmayıp birbirlerine anlatacakları..

21.09.18 15:12 |

In Shishkovtsi Bulgarians, Serbs and Macedonians all sit down on the same Balkan rug

For the 8 th successive year, Bulgarians will sit down on a colourful traditional rug, next to people from Serbia and Macedonia, to share the most palateful rakia from the last harvest and the most delicious zelnik (a variety of banitsa..

21.09.18 15:10 |

En la aldea de Shishkovtsi búlgaros, serbios y macedonios se sientan en una alfombra balcánica

Cuando una botella de una bebida de ardiente sabor hace la ronda entre los comensales sentados alrededor de una mesa todas las inquinas quedan olvidadas y los hombres comienzan a abrazarse como hermanos. Es lo que sabemos de la mejor manera quienes..

21.09.18 12:52 |

Kamen Vodénitcharov: „Notre film sur Sofia vise les vrais patriotes et bâtisseurs de la Bulgarie contemporaine“

Le documentaire « Sofia en 105 minutes – histoire de la ville » évoque des événements clés ayant marqué l’histoire quatre-vingt fois séculaire de notre capitale contemporaine. Au cours de ce voyage à travers le temps sont présentés..

19.09.18 12:01 |

Kamen Vodeniçarov: Filmimizde modern Bulgaristan'ın gerçek kurucuları ve yurtseverlerini gösteriyoruz

"105 Dakikada Sofya - Şehrin Tarihi" belgeseli, bugünkü başkentimizin sekiz bin yıllık tarihini belirleyen en önemli olayları anlatıyor. Bu zaman yolculuğunda arkeolojik keşifler, uygun kentsel gelişim kararları, mimari ve sanatsal başyapıtlar, bilimsel..

18.09.18 17:30 |

Kamen Vodenicharov: Our film on Sofia shows the real patriots and builders of modern Bulgaria

The 105 Minutes Sofia – History of the City documentary tells the story of key events that have marked the 8-millenia-long history of the capital. This journey back in time outlines archaeological discoveries, smart urban planning decisions,..

18.09.18 13:27 |