Podcast en français

author: Diana Tsankova

Festival with a taste of blueberries at Ambaritsa Chalet in the Balkan Range

Delicious blueberry jam but in fact much, much more – at the end of this week the Third Blueberry Festival will populate the breathtakingly beautiful locality of the Ambaritsa Chalet with the lovers of the mountain’s gifts. On Friday the most impatient..

29.07.16 10:45 |

Les serpents sculptés près de Sarnitsa veillent sur un sanctuaire antique

Les archéologues viennent de découvrir des serpents sculptés dans la roche, qui montent la garde depuis des millénaires à l’entrée d’un sanctuaire qui cache encore ses secrets. Dans la forêt près de Sarnitsa, ils témoignent de la puissance des..

28.07.16 14:11 |

Figuras de sierpes protegen el santuario antiguo descubierto recientemente en las afueras de la aldea de Sarnitsa

Ofidios guardianes tallados en las rocas han custodiado durante milenios secretos ocultos detrás de un bosque impenetrable. Fieles a sus deidades paganas esas sierpes talladas en la roca protegen un santuario abandonado y guardan arcanos de..

28.07.16 12:42 |

Médaille d’argent pour Hristo Rekov aux Championnats d’Europe de canoë-kayak

Une seconde c’est simplement un instant que s’évanouit comme un éclair. Mais le temps avec son parcours sinueux est capable de le remplir de pensées, d’émotions, de destins même. Rappelez-vous des athlètes qui revivent au ralenti leurs moments de..

28.07.16 11:07 |

Jristo Rekov se alza con su primera medalla de plata en un campeonato europeo de canotaje y ahora sueña con participar en Juegos Olímpicos

El segundo no dura más que un instante, apenas percibido y ya se ha ido. Sin embargo, el tiempo, en su marcha dilatada, es capaz de saturarlo de pensamientos, emociones y hasta destinos. Cabe recordar a estas alturas a los atletas que viven esos..

27.07.16 15:19 |

Hristo Rekov wins his first medal at European Canoe Sprint Juniors and U23 Championships

Bulgaria’s athlete Hristo Rekov missed the chance to win a gold medal at the recent European Canoe Sprint Juniors and U23 Championships held in his native city of Plovdiv (Central South Bulgaria). Hristo stopped the clock only 0.9 seconds behind the..

27.07.16 13:40 |

In search of a missing painting – Tsanko Lavrenov

Gabrovo, 1847.  The town dignitaries, with Vassil Aprilov in the lead (Vassil Aprilov was a prominent figure in business, education, a writer and patron), came to the church yard of the Holy Trinity to raise money for a new building for the..

24.07.16 08:05 |

Eating the most delicious banitsa in Banitsa village

Banitsa can be made in all kinds of ways, but it is invariably delicious and enjoyed by people near and far. “Welcome to the traditional banitsa festival in the village of… Banitsa. And if there is anyone here not in the mood,..

21.07.16 12:18 |

Kayıp bir tablonun peşinden

1847 yılında Gabrovo’da Vasil Aprilov’un başını çektiği şehrin büyükleri, ülkemizde ilk laik okulun binası için kaynaklar toplamak üzere “Sveta Troitsa” kilisesinin avlusuna girdi. Vasil Aprilov, 2 bin 500 kuruş bağışladı, ama davasının hayata..

19.07.16 16:46 |

En lezzetli böreğin peşinde Banitsa köyüne bir yolculuk

Böreği, farklı şekilde hazırlayabiliriz ve daha o kadar da sevgi aşılayabiliriz, ancak nasıl hazırlarsak hazırlayalım, o muhakkak bir Güneş misali gibi açıyor. Kendisine Börek Majesteleri olarak hitap ediyoruz! Dünyanın en uç noktasında bulunanlar..

19.07.16 13:43 |