Podcast en français

author: Diana Tsankova

BNR Symphony Orchestra opens season with rarely performed Dimitar Nenov piano concerto

A diverse program with Bulgaria premieres, as well as popular works; Bulgarian and foreign soloists and guest-conductors; a crossover event involving cinema – this is the promise for the new concert season of the Bulgarian National Radio Symphony..

28.09.15 14:35 |

BNR Senfoni Orkestrası, Dimıtır Nenov’un piyano konçertosu ile sezonu açıyor

BNR Senfoni Orkestrası, hem ülkemizde prömyeri yapılacak eserlerle, hem de müzikseverlerin beğenerek dinlediği yerli ve yabancı bestecilerin eserleriye yeni konser sezonunu açıyor.9 Ekim “Bılgariya” salonunda Brahms’ın Birinci senfonisi ve solistliğini..

28.09.15 14:21 |

Without bats ours would be a world without chocolate and tequila

You may have heard all kinds of stories about bats, but you should know that most of them are simply not true. They are not mice or birds and they do not lay eggs. And as much as vampire fans would like them to be – no, they are not vampires..

27.09.15 09:35 |

Nouvelle saison de l’orchestre "Parachkev Hadjiev"

C’est une jeune formation de musiciens qui a décidé de porter le nom du grand compositeur bulgare Parachkev Hadjiev. Un grand maestro, auteur de musique symphonique et d’opéras qui a inspiré un grand nombre de musiciens dont ceux qui depuis 2012, année du..

26.09.15 10:30 |
Liudmil Anguelov, Ina Kancheva y Vesko Pantaleev-Eshkenazi

Liudmil Angelov y Vesko Pantaleev-Eshkenazi celebran su aniversario artístico en Piano Extravaganzza

Piano Extravaganzza es un festival musical que se propone revelar talentos. Se ha planteado la tarea de buscar y presentar obras de alto valor artístico. El 25 de septiembre el Club Miliar de Sofía acoge el primer concierto de la quinta edición del..

25.09.15 12:52 |
Lüdmil Angelov, İna Kınçeva ve Vesko Panteleev-Eşkenazi

Lüdmil Angelov ve Vesko Panteleev- Eşkenazi “Piano extravaganza” Müzik Festivalinde

Lüdmil Angelov ve Vesko Panteleev- Eşkenazi “Piano extravaganza” Müzik Festivalinde ortak düetlerinin 20. yılını kutlayacak. Bu festival icat ve keşifleri seven bir müzik şöleni. Etkinlik, dâhilerin gölgesi altında kalmış sanatsal değeri yüksek müzik..

25.09.15 11:33 |

Yarasaların gizemli hayatı

Yarasalarla ilgili nasıl hikaye duymuş olsanız da, doğru olmayacak. Onlar ne fare, ne kuş, ne de yumurtlayan hayvanlar. Macera severleri hayal kırıklığına uğratsak da, yarasalar vampire de değil. Yarasalar Gecesinde Sofya Doğa Bilimler Müzesi..

25.09.15 11:16 |

Sin los murciélagos no hubiéramos tenido tequila ni chocolate

El grueso de todas las historias que hemos oído sobre murciélagos   resultan inciertas. Los murciélagos no son  ratones, ni aves ni  ponen huevos. Lamentablemente, para los amantes de  las sensaciones extremas, tampoco  son  unos vampiros. En la..

24.09.15 12:12 |
Ludmil Angelov, Ina Kancheva and Vesko Panteleev-Eschkenazi

Maestro Ludmil Angelov and Vesko Panteleev- Eschkenazi celebrate 5th anniversary of Piano Extravaganza festival

Piano Extravaganza is a music festival which aims at restoring the world's musical heritage by promoting works of high artistic value by composers who are little known, or who have been overshadowed by the most famous geniuses of..

23.09.15 08:00 |

New Bulgarian orchestra brings works of Parashkev Hadjiev back to life

One of the youngest Bulgarian orchestras carries the name of great composer Parashkev Hadjiev – the musician with the greatest number of pieces and operas that have turned into classics of Bulgarian music. An orchestra of the same name..

21.09.15 08:05 |