Podcast en français

author: Diana Tsankova

Gold seeking – gold rush or nice hobby

Some would give their souls for it, but few have any luck. The shine of gold has always attracted and spelled people, not simply as a piece of metal, symbolizing wealth, but a test for strong will and a pure heart. Gold has been searched for..

21.07.15 15:18 |

Altın avcıları servet peşinde değil heyecan peşinde

Bizim topraklarda altın arayışı her daim olmuştur. Ancak son dönemde nehirlerimiz şansını denemek isteyen altın avcıları akınına uğruyor. Nehir yatakları neler saklıyor ve bizde neden zengin olmuş bir altın avcısı yoktur sorusunu, artık beş yıldır kendini..

21.07.15 14:08 |

La búsqueda de oro: una fiebre del oro o afición placentera

Por   el oro  la gente pagaba con su alma mientras la Rueda de la Fortuna agraciaba a escasas personas con su ilusoria felicidad. El resplandor del oro atrae y fascina desde tiempos  antiguos. No es sencillamente un pedazo de metal que simboliza la..

21.07.15 12:51 |

Zoo police to protect animals

The Mima puppy, whose four paws were chopped off by an unknown monster never waited for any justice for the cruelty it had suffered 5 years ago. Her loving new family in Germany took care for the animal till the end of her life. In the meantime Bulgaria..

17.07.15 11:40 |

Sur le yaourt bulgare, sa fameuse bactérie et son découvreur

Le yaourt bulgare est connu dans le monde entier, mais peu savent qui est le découvreur du lactobacillus bulgaricus , la bactérie aux bienfaits uniques pour la santé. C’est le docteur Stamen Grigoroff qui, en 1905, décrit cette bactérie qui..

12.07.15 10:45 |

El sabroso camino rumbo a la ciudad de los alimentos bio

Miel de hierbas aromáticas de montaña, leche pura de animales que viven libremente en la naturaleza, dulce de frutas del bosque – todo esto entre semana en la gran ciudad -. Por segundo año, granjeros que trabajan en un proyecto búlgaro-suizo “Los..

11.07.15 09:05 |

Sobre el yogur búlgaro, la bacteria útil y su descubridor

El yogur búlgaro es famoso a nivel mundial, pero son pocas las personas que saben quién ha sido el descubridor de la Lactobacilus Bulgaricus, la bacteria más beneficiosa para la salud humana. En 1905 el Dr.  Stamen Grigorov hizo la descripción del..

09.07.15 14:57 |

Les producteurs bio et leur chemin de croix vers les marchés des villes

Du miel de fleurs de montagne, du lait d’animaux vivant en plein air, des confitures de fruits des bois – oui, nous pouvons trouver tout ça à Sofia, un jour de semaine. C’est la deuxième année consécutive de la réalisation du projet bulgaro-suisse..

09.07.15 12:46 |

Sofia hosts exhibition of tasty organic food

Honey obtained aromatic mountain herbs, pure fresh milk from free range animals, jam made of aromatic fragrant forest fruit – this is what citizens and guests of Sofia can buy, and on weekdays at that. Farmers who have been working under a..

09.07.15 10:51 |

Organik ürünlerin şehre giden lezzetli yolculuğu

Büyük şehrin ortasında mis kokulu dağ şifalı otlarından elde edilen arı balı, doğada, temiz meralarda otlayan hayvanlardan sağılan sütler, mis kokulu yaban meyvelerinden yapılan reçeller... “Koca Balkan ve insanlar” isimli Bulgar-İsveçre projesş..

07.07.15 15:10 |