Podcast en français

author: Gergana Mancheva

Bulgarii din Cipru se bucură de prietenia de odinioară a localnicilor

Asociația culturală bulgară din Cipru poartă numele unui renumit revoluționar bulgar, unul dintre organizatorii Răscoalei din aprilie 1876 - Atanas Șabanov din Koprivștița. "Am vrut ca asociația să poarte numele unui iluminist bulgar, așa că am..

11.12.23 15:30 |

Bulgarians in Cyprus bask in the old-time friendship of the locals

The Bulgarian cultural association in Cyprus is named after a renowned Bulgarian revolutionary, one of the organizers of the April Uprising of 1876 – Atanas Shabanov from Koprivshitsa. “We wanted the association to bear the name of a Bulgarian..

11.12.23 11:22 |

Stoletovo balık yetiştirme tesisinde ganimet sazanlar büyük ilgi topluyor

6 Aral ık’ta kutlanan ve halk arasında Nikulden olarak bilinen Aziz Nicolas yortusunda ülkemizde Nikolay, Nikola, Nikolina, Nina ve türevleri olan adları taşıyan 200 binden çok kişi isim gününü kutlamakta . 6 Aralık ayrıca balıkçı,..

06.12.23 09:34 |

Large carp trophies are the attraction in the water reservoirs at the village of Stoletovo

December 6, Saint Nicholas Day, it is a holiday for more than 200,000 Bulgarians bearing the name Nikolay, Nikola, Nikolina, Nina and their derivatives, but also for fishermen, sailors, bankers and merchants. The day is also chosen as the official..

06.12.23 08:05 |

Black Friday in Bulgaria: Between a marketing ploy and customer benefit

The campaign for shopping at bargain prices, known as Black Friday, has been growing more and more popular in Bulgaria. By planning carefully and keeping abreast of the offers, consumers are able to purchase products at exceptional prices, say the..

21.11.23 10:56 |

Folklore ensembles are like a small Bulgaria for compatriots abroad

The guests to the second creative meeting - seminar of the leaders of Bulgarian folklore ensembles abroad, which took place on November 11 and 12 in Sofia, were welcomed with the smell of bread, sweetened with honey. In addition to..

15.11.23 13:20 |
Dimiter Kenarov

Dimiter Kenarov’s characters speak about their nostalgia for communism

“Life was better under Todor Zhivkov,” says an older man whom I meet in the street; many share his nostalgia for the former Communist dictator. “We didn’t have rights back then, but we had work. Now we have rights, but you can’t feed..

10.11.23 14:45 |

Bessarabian Bulgarians from “Rodolubets”: What Bulgaria needs is a declaration of love

The “Rodolubets” (Patriot) almanac is a collection of texts by compatriots of ours – Bulgarians in other countries, living in the regions of Bessarabia, Tavria and Crimea. But it is so much more than just a green-coloured book because it gives..

07.11.23 12:45 |

Must be local, honest and well-known. These are the qualities we look for in a mayor

In the first round of local elections, only 8 of the country's regional mayors were elected. A run-off will be held on November 5 in all the remaining 19 regional cities, including the three largest - Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna.  Local government is..

01.11.23 14:50 |

Sofia is now on the European city map of walking tours with sign language interpreting

The idea of young historian Viktor Topalov for city tours of Sofia attracted sociologist Vyara Gancheva from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and sign language interpreter Boris Bandev. During the tours they present historical facts,..

25.10.23 15:45 |