As Easter approaches fast, the traditional contest for children’s drawings “Granny’s recipes” is once again highlighting gastronomical gems discovered by children from all over Bulgaria and sent to the contest organizer Chef Penyo Ivanov and the..
Este din nou 1 aprilie - Ziua Internațională a Glumelor, cum zic bulgarii, iar cu această ocazie Muzeul Umorului și Satirei din Gabrovo și-a deschis larg porțile pentru a-și sărbători ziua de naștere, alături de sute de invitați și fani ai umorului și..
Officially, the total inflation in Bulgaria for the past two years stands at over 28%, and it has impacted every household in Bulgaria. Against the backdrop of this figure, the trade unions in the country are demanding that all people, whose salaries..
The night show of the BNR’s Horizont channel, the talk show Niki and Friends, Sunday Club Horizont are just some of the nationally aired radio shows the name of journalist and anchor Nikolay Atanasov has been associated with in his long..
80% of the sexually mature population of the world has already encountered the human papilloma virus (HPV). This startling percentage gives doctors reason to say we are faced with the challenges of the most widespread sexually transmitted infection...
“Art is something without which there can be no culture, no development, no civilization even. Without art life would be empty, without beauty, without bliss, it would be a poorer life. I prefer to be an artist than president,” says one of..
According to data of the National Statistical Institute, 30% of retailers in Bulgaria expect that prices in this country will continue to rise in the next three months, even though the prices of essentials such as eggs, vegetables and..
Potrivit Institutului Național de Statistică, 30% dintre comercianții cu amănuntul din Bulgaria sunt convinși că prețurile din țară vor continua să crească în următoarele trei luni, în ciuda faptului că bunuri precum ouăle, legumele și produsele lactate..
Sozopol, the small town on the Black Sea, with its old wooden houses and narrow cobblestone streets leading straight to the seashore has been an inspiration for talented Bulgarian cameraman and photographer Asen Shopov, better known professionally in..
In the 1860s Bulgarians were feeling that the old order within the Ottoman Empire was irretrievably gone and the time for big changes was coming. Newspapers spread the news of revolts and wars across the Balkans and Europe. The intensification..
L’École bulgare "Ivan Vazov" à Paris lance la deuxième édition du prestigieux concours littéraire international " La Plume Magique ". Ce défi s’adresse..
Par tradition, le premier dimanche de mars arrive à Chiroka laka avec le rassemblement des koukeri , qui chassent l'hiver et annoncent l'arrivée du..
7 semaines avant Pâques, les chrétiens orthodoxes célèbrent le Dimanche du Pardon. Selon la coutume, la famille se réunit au grand complet..