Most of existing community centers (“chitalishte”) in Bulgaria have already celebrated their 100th anniversaries. This is not accidental, because they were created in hard times in order to satisfy aspirations of Bulgarians for knowledge,..
Bulgarian Sunday schools abroad are a true phenomenon of the modern Bulgarian educational system. They remind us to the highest degree of those National Revival period leaders from the time before Bulgaria’s Liberation, who dedicated their entire..
Can local authorities help solving Bulgaria's big problems: demographic crisis, standard of living and investment? Economist Vladimir Karolev is a popular figure because of his clear and firm stance on hot topics in society. Mr. Karolev has..
The richness and diversity of cults and fertility rituals in the Balkan region can be seen in a museum exhibition from the Republic of North Macedonia. It has been arranged in five halls of the National Ethnographic Museum at the Knyaz Palace in..
According to Rada Yakova, success of an artist is not measured by the number of paintings sold, but by the extent to which they have succeeded in developing their own style and individuality in art. Rada is a Bulgarian who has been living and..
Applying for jobs using web sites has never been so easy and fast. The connection between employers and job seekers is facilitated by a mobile application developed by Tsvetoslav Zahariev. Its search engine is extremely efficient and saves time and..
John Atanasoff was born on October 4 and he is best known for being credited with inventing the first electronic digital computer.Atanasoff is of Bulgarian origin and he worked in the fields of mathematics, physics and engineering in the United..
At the backdrop of the huge interest shown recently in career exhibitions for Bulgarian students in Germany, the United Kingdom and Austria, the first career forum for the large Bulgarian academic community in the Netherlands opens on..
Bulgaria joined the European Researchers’ Night (27 September) for the 13 th consecutive year. What was new this year was that it involved more researchers in various spheres – from outer space to microbiology and the nanotechnologies of the..
The ratio between the number of adoptive parents in Bulgaria and the number of children abandoned by their parents has remained virtually unchanged over the years and this is a signal that time for change has come in the selection system for..
En 2022 14,7% des travailleurs de l'UE recevaient des salaires trop bas. Par définition une personne au salaire trop bas est celle qui touche deux tiers ou..
3e journée de boycott des supermarchés, mais aussi des banques, les organisateurs appelant à éviter toute opération bancaire /retrait, virements et autres..
Il n'y aura pas de recomptage des bulletins de vote des élections législatives anticipées d'octobre 2024. La Commission électorale centrale /CEC/ s'est..