A small water snake and big photography skills. That is what helped Todor Dimitrov from Varna take a unique photograph that earned him first place in the prestigious Our World Underwater 2019 Photography and Videography Competition in..
The first studies of Bulgarian caves were carried out nearly 100 years ago. Academician Ivan Buresh made the first study of cave fauna back in 1922 when he served as Director of the Royal Museum. The first Bulgarian speleology society..
Leading goals in trade union work include better incomes for European workers and limiting company austerity policies that have led groups of workers to the brink of poverty. The 18th annual conference of the European Capitals Trade..
The idea of performing the first transplantation in Bulgaria emerged spontaneously, during a medical report, one morning back in 1964. Four years later in Alexandrovska Hospital the first successful kidney transplant was performed in this..
Viticulture and winemaking is not reserved for men only. However, not many people are able to produce a true elixir with EU certificate for organic product, to cultivate 30 hectares of vineyards located in some of Bulgaria’s cleanest areas part of..
“For Bulgarians, the Danube has always had more to do with the heart than the mind. Conquerors, revolutionaries, merchants, emigrants have all sailed in its waters… There is so much to rediscover in Danubian Bulgaria… We set out from..
“Guardians of tradition” is often a definition of the people in town and villages who invest their energy and talent in order to keep the spirit of our people alive. Self-taught and amateur artists are people who, united in non-professional..
The more and more frequent instances of assault and battery of doctors by their patients in recent months prompted the Bulgarian Medical Association to relaunch its campaign against violence against medical staff, conveying the message “Saving..
14 February may be better known as St. Valentine’s Day in other countries, but in Bulgaria it is celebrated as the day of vine growers and of wine. Here, it goes by the name of Trifon Zarezan (the Pruner). This is a time for..
Marriage Week celebrates in Bulgaria, for the eighth year in a row, sound matrimony – “the union between a man and a woman, who have stepped into a mutual dedication to one another to the end of their days”, the initiators of the idea have..
"Le ministère de l'intérieur est efficace. Les saisies de stupéfiants et l'interpellation de passeurs de migrants sont en hausse aux frontières de l'espace..
3e journée de boycott des supermarchés, mais aussi des banques, les organisateurs appelant à éviter toute opération bancaire /retrait, virements et autres..
Selon les données préliminaires de l'Institut national de la Statistique, en 2024, le salaire moyen brut en Bulgarie a augmenté de 14.8% dans la fonction..