author: Veneta Nikolova

Kyustendil – more than fresh air and mineral baths

When they hear Kyustendil mentioned, most Bulgarians tend to think of mineral baths. The fame of the town, located in Southwestern Bulgaria as a spa centre goes back to “socialist” times when holidaymakers thronged here. Back then there were many..

04.05.15 13:49 |

Bulgaria está en el tercer lugar por el desarrollo del turismo de aventura

¿Qué significa esto? Simplemente, nuestro país dispone de enorme potencial que no está desplegado en desarrollar este segmento turístico que está cobrando popularidad. Esta es la conclusión del último análisis efectuado por la Organización Internacional..

03.05.15 12:15 |

Bulgaristan macera turizminin gelişme potansiyeli açısından 3. yerde

Bu ne anlama geliyor? Ülkemiz son zamanda çok ünlü olan bu tür turizm hizmetini geliştirmek için büyük potansiyele sahiptir. Uluslararası macera turizmi örgütü ATTA Adventure Travel and Trade Association bir araştırma yaptı ve bu araştırmaya göre 2015..

17.04.15 15:15 |

Game and fish in Bulgaria

Nature, Hunting, Fishing is a traditional exhibition that gathers the lovers of hunting and fishing in Bulgaria. The latest edition of the forum has started these days in Plovdiv. During this year’s spring edition there are some 40 participants in..

04.04.15 09:25 |

Once nuevas rutas turísticas revelan los tesoros ocultos de Strandzha

La manera más segura de escapar del bullicio urbano y del día a día gris es adentrarse en los pliegues del monte Strandzha. En ese rincón virgen del sur de Bulgaria se extienden bosques sombríos que albergan tesoros inesperados. En los últimos años, la..

04.04.15 09:10 |

La Feria “Turismo Cultural” en Veliko Tarnovo

Del 1 al 4 de abril la ciudad de Veliko Tarnovo acoge el evento más importante dedicado al turismo cultural en Bulgaria. La ciudad se afirmó como la capital cultural de Bulgaria y se convirtió en la marca reservada del turismo en este país. Con sus..

03.04.15 14:08 |

Veliko Tarnovo Cultural Tourism Fair with diverse business and entertainment program

From 1 to 5 April Veliko Tarnovo is hosting the biggest fair dedicated to cultural tourism in Bulgaria. The ancient city has emerged as this country's cultural capital and one of the emblems of Bulgarian tourism. With its unique historical..

03.04.15 12:20 |

Payitaht Veliko Tırnovo turizm fuarına evsahipliği yapıyor

Veliko Tırnovo 1 ila 4 Nisan arasındaki günlerde ülkede kültürel turizme adanan en geniş çaplı etkinliğe evsahipliği yapıyor. Payitaht, Ortaçağ’dan kalma eşsiz tarihi eserleri ve zengin kültür afişi ile her yıl 500 ila 800 bin kişi arasında değişen..

02.04.15 15:47 |

Bulgarian online map tackles environmental conflicts

The first Bulgarian interactive map of ecological conflict points as well as good practices is now a fact. Now, anyone can gain access to information about places where pollution has reached dangerous levels and send an alert whenever the..

02.04.15 14:54 |

De la caza, la pesca y algo más…

“Naturaleza, caza y pesca”, así se llama la tradicional exposición dirigida a los amantes de la pesca y la caza, que empieza estos días en Plovdiv. En su edición primaveral este año se presentan no más de 40 expositores. Los visitantes se detienen ante..

02.04.15 09:25 |