author: Diana Tsankova

Exhibition in Troyan displays 27 portraits of women by renowned artists

In the month of March, the month of the Annunciation and the coming of spring, the ancient Seryakov house in Troyan is hosting an exhibition of 27 portraits of women with different life roles, different faces, different destinies. The..

14.03.19 13:40 |
Ivan Tabakov, Paris sur Seine, 1960s

Loran Gallery puts on display paintings by Ivan Tabakov – an artist searching for light

The Loran Gallery focuses attention on the work of an artist, who stands among renowned contemporary Bulgarian classical painters. A retrospective exhibition opening today and lasting for a month puts on display paintings by artist Ivan Tabakov...

12.03.19 15:27 |
Ivan Tabakov,

Paris et les quais de Seine dans une rétrospective du peintre Ivan Tabakov…

La Galerie d’Art « Laurent » de Sofia met à l’honneur un peintre qui fait partie de la pléiade des classiques bulgares. A partir d’aujourd’hui et pendant un mois, les visiteurs pourront admirer les toiles d’Ivan Tabakov, sur le thème de Paris..

12.03.19 14:58 |

Tasarımcı Krasimira Stoyneva, Londra'yı saç modelleriyle fethediyor

Tasarımcı Krasimira Stoyneva, henüz doğduğu Plovdiv şehrinnde sanat okulunda okurken, saçın zengin bir malzeme olarak kullanabileceğinin farkına varır. Ama hayalini kurduklarını gerçekleştirme fırsatını yıllar sonra elde eder. Daha sonra eğitim gördüğü,..

12.03.19 09:00 |

Dünya gezegeni sürekli meteor tehlikesi ile karşı karşıya

Bundan 66 milyon yıl önce dev bir meteor Dünya’ya çarpıyor ve o kadar çok toz atıyor ki, Güneş sistemi yolunu kapatıyor. Kataklizma dinozorların kaybolmasına ve evrim sahnesine ilk insanın çıkmasına neden oluyor. Günümüzde Meksika Körfezi’ndeki okyanus..

10.03.19 09:10 |

Des météorites menacent constamment la Planète

Il y a environ 66 ans qu’une météorite géante percute la Terre et dégage autant de poussière qu’est carrément perturbé le chemin de la lumière solaire. Le cataclysme provoque une véritable catastrophe écologique suite à laquelle..

10.03.19 08:35 |

Meteorites are constant threat to Earth

A giant meteor hit Earth nearly 66 million years ago. When the asteroid plowed into the Earth, tiny particles of rock, dust and other debris were shot high into the air and stood on the way of the sunrays. The cataclysm caused environmental..

10.03.19 08:30 |

Meteoritos amenazan constantemente la Tierra

Hace casi 66 millones de años, un meteorito gigante impactó contra la Tierra levantando tanto polvo que tapó la luz del sol. El cataclismo desencadenó un infierno ecológico que causó la extinción de los dinosaurios, y en el escenario de la..

09.03.19 08:00 |

Bulgarian designer Krasimira Stoyneva conquers London’s fashion scene with her signature use of hair

On the catwalk, her fashion creations flutter and swirl in clouds of colour. And because they are made of dyed synthetic hair, they resemble live paintings that change their shape with the puff of the wind. Bulgarian designer Krasimira..

08.03.19 16:00 |

La diseñadora Krasimira Stoyneva conquista Londres con sus diseños

La diseñadora Krasimira Stoyneva descubrió el pelo como un material lleno de posibilidades en la escuela de arte de su Plovdiv natal. Años más tarde pudo hacer realidad su fantasía, cuando a los estudiantes de moda de la Universidad del Este de Londres..

08.03.19 14:48 |