author: Albena Bezovska

Homenaje a la cantante folclórica Kichka Sávova en su aldea natal

Kichka Sávova es una de las cantantes folclóricas búlgar as más insignes, que dejó un rastro imborrable con su amplio repertorio y su entrega incondicional a la tradición folclórica de la región de Tracia. Nació en 1934 en la aldea de Sladún, en la..

03.07.20 14:22 |

Remembering Kichka Savova in the village where she was born

Kichka Savova is a renowned folk singer who, with her enormous dedication, has left her mark on Thracian folklore tradition. Born in 1934 in the village of Sladun near Svilengrad, Kichka Savova passed away in 2018, leaving us dozens of recordings and..

03.07.20 14:15 |

Jazzanitza, con estreno en línea y en proceso de preparación de álbum nuevo

El 1 de julio tendrá lugar el estreno en línea del álbum nuevo JAZZANITZA−Live at ARCUB, Bucarest . Jazzanitza se llama también el grupo creado por el percusionista y compositor Borislav Petrov, así como su álbum debut lanzado en 2016 . Versión en..

01.07.20 15:41 |

"Jazzanitza" with online premiere and preparation of a new album

July 1 st sees the online premiere of a new album on the Bulgarian music scene – JAZZANITZA – Live at ARCUB, Bucharest. Jazzanitza is also the name of the band created by Bulgarian drummer and composer Borislav Petrov and this is the..

01.07.20 15:01 |

Wednesdays – the music days in Sofia’s Borisova Gradina Park

“Island of Music” is one of the most vibrant summer events, of interest to professionals and music lovers in equal measure. The 11 th edition of the festival opens on 1 July and will go on until the end of August. “I am happy to say..

29.06.20 14:53 |

Sofia Philharmonic responds to the blow...with symphony concerts and "Romantic Summer"

After months of isolation, canceled concerts and active music activity online, on June 28 the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra once again invites people to the Bulgaria Hall. For the first time in its history, the prestigious orchestra has prepared a..

26.06.20 14:32 |

La Filarmónica de Sofía contraataca… con conciertos sinfónicos y un Verano Romántico

Tras meses de confinamiento, conciertos cancelados y una activa vida musical en línea, el 28 de junio la Filarmónica de Sofía vuelve a invitarnos en su cada: la Sala Bulgaria, en Sofía. Por primera vez en su historia la prestigiosa orquesta ha preparado..

26.06.20 14:27 |

Sofya Filarmonisi’nin ilk kez yaz sezonu olacak

28 Haziran'da Sofya Filarmonisi "Bulgaria" salonunda ilk kez yaz sezonunun açılışına yapacak. Covid-19'dan korunmak için Sağlık Bakanlığı'nın önlemlerine uyulacak. Müzisyan sayısı azaltılacak. Salondaki koltuklara,mesafeli şemaya göre oturulacak...

26.06.20 13:44 |

Medicinal herbs are at their most potent on Enyovden

The traditional culture of every nation has preserved the so-called alternative (natural) methods of treatment. When official medicine does not help, people resort to the alternative methods hoping that the wisdom of their ancestors is stronger..

24.06.20 04:35 |

Është Dita e Enjos

Dita e Enjos është një prej festave më të dashura në kalendarin popullor. Ajo bie gjithmonë më 24 qershor. Populli beson se forca kuruese e barnave është më e madhe pikërisht këtë ditë. Atëherë është festa e Shën Ivanit Barnabledhësit,..

24.06.20 02:55 |