author: Yoan Kolev

Hopes and unresolved problems of Bulgarians on Crete

A letter sent to us by the chairman of the Bulgarian Association of Crete – Peter Anastasov, has made us focus our attention on the problems of about 30,000 Bulgarians who have chosen the island of Crete as their home. In an open letter to..

28.07.20 14:12 |

Yerli ve yabancı yatırımcıları yönlendiren Bulgaristan’ın ekonomik haritası

Şu anda AB ve dünya genelinde bütün ülkeleri ilgilendiren en önemli konu ekonomilerin yeniden ayağa kaldırılması için hangi araçların en etkili olduğu konusudur. Pandemi ve ardından gelen kısıtlamalar, büyüme üzerinde büyük olumsuz etki yaratarak..

27.07.20 19:19 |

Economic map of Bulgaria helps Bulgarian and foreign investors make their choice

The most important question all countries of Europe, and the world, are now facing is: what are the most effective ways for economic recovery? The pandemic and the subsequent restrictions have had a dire effect on growth spreading to practically..

27.07.20 10:23 |

Mastercraftsman Mincho Todorov: Wood carving is authentic only when done by hand

The skillful craft of bringing a piece of wood back to life and giving it a totally new meaning is buried deep into the roots of Bulgarian culture. Perhaps the reader has already figured out that the subject of this writing is about wood..

25.07.20 07:00 |

Nos compatriotes de l'étranger revendiquent le respect de la suprématie de la loi en Bulgarie

Des milliers de Bulgares résidant à l’étranger se sont solidarisés avec les revendications des contestataires manifestant à Sofia et dans plusieurs autres villes provinciales. En témoignent les manifestations pacifiques organisées dans les capitales et..

24.07.20 12:52 |

Bulgarians living around the world call for rule of law in Bulgaria

Thousands of Bulgarians living abroad are in solidarity with the demands of protesting citizens in Bulgaria. Proof of this are the ongoing peaceful demonstrations being organized in different corners on the globe, an expression of..

24.07.20 11:20 |

Yurt dışında yaşayan Bulgaristan vatandaşları yasanın üstünlüğünü talep ediyorlar

Yurtdışında bulunan binlerce Bulgaristan vatandaşı, yurt içinde düzenlenen protestolarda öne sürülen talepleri paylaşıyorlar. Yurt dışındaki vatandaşların Bulgaristan'ın siyaset sahnesinde yaşananlara karşı çıkmak üzere yaşadıkları ülkelerde..

24.07.20 10:37 |

AB kaynaklarının tahsisinde ulusal plan şartı getirildi

Bulgaristan’da seyreden olaylar Avrupa’da geniş yankı buluyor. Yolsuzluk ve AB fon kaynakları ile suistimaller konusu hala gündemde, buna dair haberler gündemden inmezken, bu bizim AB’deki imajımızı zedeliyor ve yeni kaynakların sağlanmasına..

22.07.20 16:06 |

Efficient national plan – the new condition for receiving European funding

The latest events in Bulgaria echo strongly in Europe. It is very worrying that there is so much talk about corruption and misuse of European funding. This casts a shadow over Bulgaria’s position in the EU and is likely to affect the way funds..

22.07.20 13:43 |
Portrait of Vasil Levski by Ruska Marinova, 1957

A stroll to the holy places of Bulgaria’s Apostle of Freedom

Monasteries are often called the hearths of Bulgarian spirituality, guardians of the Bulgarian faith in the once despondent years of the Ottoman Yoke filled with persecution and humiliation. There is no shortage of historical evidence of..

18.07.20 05:35 |