author: Yoan Kolev

L’année européenne du rail: une opportunité pour achever le réseau transeuropéen

L’année 2021 a été officiellement proclamée Année européenne du Rail. Les effets de ce mode de transport sur les objectifs européens pour une économie prospère, compétitive et climatiquement neutre d’ici à 2050 est une des raisons pour que..

15.01.21 09:45 |

Bugün Bulgar sineması yıldönümünü kutluyor

13 Ocak 1915 yılında ilk Bulgar sinema yapıtı “Bılgaran e galant” başlıklı sessiz sinema filminin gösterimi gerçekleşiyor. Bu kısa metrajlı sessiz komedi filminin yapımcısı ve aynı zamanda Bılgaran rolünü oynayan oyuncu Vasil Gendov. “Bılgaran” film..

13.01.21 12:34 |

Trans Avrupa ağının tamamlanması için bir imkan olarak Avrupa demiryolu taşımacılığı yılı

2021 yılı, resmi olarak Avrupa demiryolu taşımacılığı yılı ilan edildi. Avrupa Komisyonu’nun bu teklifinin Avrupa Parlamentosu’nda ortak destek görmesinin sebeplerinden birisi bu tür bir ulaşım hareketliliğinin AB’nin 2050 yılına kadar dönem için..

13.01.21 09:35 |

It is Bulgarian Cinema Day

On January 13, 1915, the first Bulgarian feature film “Bulgaran is Gallant" was screened. The silent black-and-white comedy was written and directer by Vasil Gendov who also stars as the main protagonist Bulgaran. The film was not..

13.01.21 09:10 |

European Year of Rail 2021 - opportunity to complete Trans-European network

2021 has been officially declared the European Year of Rail . One of the reasons for the European Commission's proposal to receive pan-European support in the EP is the effect this type of transportation would have on EU goals of achieving..

12.01.21 15:08 |

How a Bulgarian company found its way into a book about Prince Harry’s family

2020 has been an incredibly trying year for businesses and the public. Nevertheless, Sylvia Pavlova’s company managed to keep afloat and maintain its positions on the markets of more than 30 countries in Europe and the world. During her..

05.01.21 11:17 |

Pandemic reminds us of the family character and traditions of Christmas

This year, the Christmas and New Year holidays will be much more different. One of the mandatory elements of this period of the year – the Christmas parties, are now absent from our to do list. Moreover, we have less opportunities to get into the..

23.12.20 09:05 |

Offrir un livre en guise de carte de vœux…

L’attente pleine d’émotions des prochaines fêtes de Noël et de Nouvel An passionne fortement nos esprits, les mots clés les plus populaires sur les réseaux sociaux étant notamment « idées de cadeaux ». Par ses onze mois écoulés,..

19.12.20 07:15 |

Covid-19 döneminde sürdürülebilir iş iklimi ve müşteri memnuniyeti

İstikrarlı ve öngörülür iş iklimi, iş yönetimi ve iş başlangıcında basitleştirilmiş prosedürler ekonomik büyüme, vergi girdilerini arttırma ve girişimci olmayanlara da daha iyi bir yaşam standartına yol açabilir. Kalkınma kaydedilmesi ve ülkenin..

15.12.20 18:32 |

Medical professionals and volunteers in Covid-19 wards receive Human of the Year award

For the 12 th consecutive year the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee awarded individuals with specific or significant public activity, in the past 12 months, aimed at asserting human rights, animal or environmental protection. The ceremony took..

10.12.20 15:48 |