For two weeks the public in Bulgaria have been baffled by a running scandal that started with a meeting between Prosecutor General Sotir Tsatsarov and businessman from the gas sector Sasho Donchev that took place at the office of another businessman,..
Ülkemizde yapılan erken seçimlerin üzerinden bir ay geçti ve yeni koalisyon hükümetinin önümüzdeki günlerde oluşturulması bekleniyor. Dün GERB ve “Birleşmiş Vatanseverler”, koalisyon anlaşmasını imzaladıktan sonra seçimleri kazanan partinin adayı Boyko..
One month after the early Parliamentary elections held in Bulgaria we can now say that the formation of the country’s new cabinet is now a matter of a few days only. On Thursday GERB and the United Patriots signed a coalition agreement...
Al mes de haberse celebrado las elecciones parlamentarias anticipadas en Bulgaria se puede decir que la formación del nuevo Gobierno de coalición de este país es cuestión de días.Tras firmar ayer, jueves, el partido GERB y la coalición “Patriotas..
Trud daily frontpages on Friday a headline: “The National Assembly and its Spongers”. The newspaper is indignant with the embarrassing decisions of the MPs taken in the first working days of the country’s new Parliament. The author of the..
Dün yapılan 44. Halk Meclisi’nin ilk oturumu alışılmadık ölçüde kısa olup sürprizsiz geçti ve bazıları tarafından cılız olarak değerlendirildi. Ülkenin iç siyasetinde böylesine büyük önem taşıyan bir olayın bugünkü basında geniş yer bulmaması da bunun..
La primera sesión de la cuadragésima cuarta Legislatura, celebrada el 19 de abril,t uvo una duración inusitadamente breve, transcurrió sin sorpresas y algunos la están calificando de tediosa. Es una confirmación indirecta de lo anterior la circunstancia..
The first sitting of the 44 th parliament on April 19 was unusually short, unsurprising in its nature and some people said it was lifeless. Printed media also cover in few words today this otherwise very important event. Even the fact that..
The newly elected 44 th National Assembly of Bulgaria will hold its first meeting tomorrow - April 19th. One of its first tasks will be approving the new government. During the Easter holidays the GERB party, which has been negotiating with..
La flamante, 44 Legislatura, celebrará su primera reunión el miércoles, 19 de abril. Tras la constitución del órgano legislativo su cometido principal consistirá en sancionar al nuevo Gobierno de Bulgaria. Durante las fiestas por la Pascua de..
Пятнадцатилетняя Малена Замфирова завоевала серебро в параллельном гигантском слаломе на этапе Кубка мира по сноуборду в Крынице-Здруй, Польша...
Основное нарушение, выявленное при проверке результатов последних парламентских выборов, связано с учетом действительных и недействительных голосов,..
Болгарское посольство в Киеве организует торжественное чествование по случаю национального праздника 3 марта у памятника украинским воинам и болгарским..