El 11 de mayo, cuando la Iglesia Ortodoxa Búlgara rinde homenaje a los santos hermanos e ilustradores Cirilo y Metodio, la Fundación Aurenda Heritage organiza en Toronto, Canadá, un concierto con la participación de uno de los mejores..
Pe 11 mai, ziua în care Biserica Ortodoxă Bulgară aduce un omagiu Sfinților Chiril și Metodiu, Fundația Aurenda Heritage organizează la Toronto, Canada, un concert cu participarea unuia dintre cei mai buni cântăreții bas bulgari contemporani, Geo..
On May 11, the day on which the Bulgarian Orthodox Church pays homage to Saints Cyril and Methodius, the Aurenda Heritage Foundation is organizing in Toronto, Canada, a concert with the participation of one of the best contemporary Bulgarian..
Bulgaria is voting for its 49th National Assembly and this has been the fifth parliamentary election for two years. Despite election fatigue, our compatriots go to the polls in the hope of breaking the losing streak and getting people..
Jeta është e shijshme kur është argëtuese! Do ta shihni vetë kur të hapni librin e ri të gatimit i titulluar “Libri i gatimit për fëmijët e mëdhenj”. Në të do të gjeni 28 receta të ëmbla dhe të kripura… më anë të tregimeve të ilustruara me figura...
Villy Nikolov’s colourful paintings carry the sun of Spain, the smiles of childhood and so many stories anyone can discover and interpret, each in their own way. He says he has been drawing for as long as he can remember. “I made my first wall..
Serbia conmemora el 2 4 º aniversario de l os bombardeo s de la OTAN Hace 24 años, el 24 de marzo de 1999, comenzaron los bombardeos de la OTAN sobre Yugoslavia, en los que, según fuentes no oficiales, murieron unos 2.500..
Life can be tasty, life can be fun! That is the underlying idea of “Cookbook for grown children” which came out this month. In it you will find 28 sweet and salty recipes… in the form of comic strips. The unorthodox book is the brainchild of Alya..
Tens of thousands protest in Greece over deadly train crash Greeks continue to protest after the deadly train crash (on February 28) near the town of Larissa which claimed the lives of 57 people, mostly students. On..
Protestas masivas en Grecia por el accidente ferroviario en el que murieron decenas de personas En Grecia, las protestas no cesan tras el grave accidente ferroviario ocurrido en la noche del 28 de febrero, cuando un tren de pasajeros..
Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinde Ocak ayında en düşük asgari maaş 551 avro olmak üzere, Bulgaristan’da kaydedildi. Eurostat verilerine göre en..
Bulgaristan’ın Ankara Büyükelçisi Angel Cholakov, 28. Doğu Akdeniz Uluslararası Turizm ve Seyahat Fuarı EMITT 2025’teki Bulgaristan standını..
“Ludogorets” Takımı , Bulgaristan futbol tarihinde rekordan rekora koşmaya devam ediyor. BTA’nın haberine göre, 13. kez Bulgaristan..