Günün Programı

author: Yoan Kolev

A shot from the film

Film project to explore history of Christianity in Bulgarian lands

The Meet It Is Orthodox Christian chant was for the first time sung in front of the image of Virgin Mary in the 10th century. On one of her major feasts, the Annunciation, the anthem dedicated to the Holy Virgin was performed at the..

25.03.16 16:25 |
“Dostoyno est” film projesinden bir kare.

Bir film projesi Bulgaristan topraklarında Hıristiyanlığın tarihini anlatacak

“Dostoyno est” ilahisi, ilk defa Tanrı ' nın Annesi ikonu önünde 10.asırda söylenmiştir. Meryem Ana’ya adanan Blagoveştenie (Beşaret) Yortusu arifesinde Ulusal Dini Tarih Müzesinde Meryem Ana’ya adanan bu şarkı yine söylendi. Bir halkın inancını..

25.03.16 14:35 |

Veliko Tarnovo hosts Trabant Fest for 7th time

Do you have plans for this weekend? If you don't and you're a fan of vintage cars, you might consider visiting the town of Veliko Tarnovo. This Saturday /March 19/ it will host the 7th edition of the local Tranbant Fest. The event has become a..

18.03.16 13:30 |

Festival de los automóviles Trabant por séptima vez en Veliko Tarnovo

¿Tienen algo planificado para este fin de semana? Si la respuesta es no y si son aficionados a los automóviles antiguos pueden visitar la ciudad de Veliko Tarnovo. Este sábado, 19 de marzo, por séptima vez allí se desarrollará el Festival del Trabant...

18.03.16 13:12 |

Bulgaria with a new “calling card”

Close to 13 percent of Bulgaria’s GDP is generated by tourism and accompanying sectors. That is why no chance of promoting the country in the world should be missed. Minka Ivanova and Victor Dimchev know this well. They have been investing..

01.01.16 09:00 |

80 ans en 80 semaines: la dernière…

Nous voici arrivés à la dernière séquence d’une rubrique qui a commencé il y a exactement 80 semaines et qui revenait sur les temps forts de l’histoire de la Radio nationale bulgare qui cette année a fêté ses 80 ans. En effet, le 25 janvier 1935,..

31.12.15 12:45 |

2015: Bulgarian National Radio - 80 years on

On 25 January, 1935, Tsar Boris III signed the decree by force of which the Bulgarian National Radio was created. The man appointed head of broadcasting and first director of Radio Sofia, as it was then called, was Panayot Todorov..

30.12.15 15:05 |

2015 yılı – Bulgaristan Milli Radyosu – 80 yıl sonra

Ocak 1935 tarihinde  Çar III.Boris’in imzaladığı resmi karar ile Bulgaristan’da radyo yayıncılığı devletin eline geçiyor. Bu tarih, daha sonra Bulgaristan Ulusal Radyosuna dönüşen Sofya Radyosunun kuruluş tarihidir. İlk şef görevine Panayot Hristov..

30.12.15 11:15 |

2014 yılı - Nikola Güzelev: Opera dünyasındaki ressam

'Efsane' sözcüğünü sevmem. Ben gerçek bir insanım. Bir şeyler söylemek gerekirse, dünyada en iyi basso cantabile olarak ilan edildim'. Ünlü opera sanatçısı Nikola Güzelev son söyleşisinde bunları paylaşıyor. 'Le Monde' gazetesi sesini 'değerli taşlardan..

27.12.15 10:10 |

2014: Nikola Gyuzelev – an artist in the world of opera

“I am not at all fond of the word “legend”, I am a down-to-earth person and an artist. But if I would have to say something about it, it would be “I was recognized as the best basso cantabile in the world.” These words are from one..

26.12.15 10:20 |