Podcast en français

author: Vladimir Subev

Emigrants are Bulgaria's biggest foreign investor

In the first eight months of 2016 the Bulgarians living and working abroad transferred over EUR 500 million to their country. On the other hand the total amount of foreign direct investments to Bulgaria in the first half of the year amounted..

28.09.16 13:51 |

El pobre sector energético búlgaro paga aceleradamente deudas contrayendo otras nuevas

Horas antes de iniciarse el largo puente festivo de 4 días por el Día de la Independencia de Bulgaria, las autoridades en Sofía en la persona del Ejecutivo y del Parlamento tomaron una decisión extraordinariamente importante y costosa: la de conceder un..

26.09.16 13:53 |

Bulgaria's power engineering pays urgently debts with… debts

Shortly before the start of the long four-day weekend on occasion of Bulgaria's Independence Day, the state authorities and that country's National Assembly took a very important and expensive decision - to borrow a state loan to the..

26.09.16 12:41 |

Cold IMF shower on Bulgaria’s economic euphoria

An International Monetary Fund mission, headed by Reza Baqir was in Bulgaria over the past ten days or so for its annual review. Its task was to make an assessment of the economy, see how the banks, just out of their stress tests are faring,..

20.09.16 13:01 |

Rusia presiona a Bulgaria por el pago de 620 millones de euros por la planta nuclear de Bélene

A pesar del abandono, generalizado a nivel mundial, del fomento del sector energético nuclear, Bulgaria persiste como uno de los países   partidarios a ultranza del uso de la energía atómica. En este país  funciona una planta nuclear, la de Kozloduy,..

14.09.16 13:44 |

Russia pressurizes Bulgaria to pay EUR 620 million for its nuclear reactors as soon as possible

Bulgaria continues to be among the world's strongest supporters of nuclear energy production, although many countries have started to substitute that type of production for alternative sources. The nuclear power station situated on the Danube..

14.09.16 13:17 |

Good economic news for IMF

On Wednesday the regular mission of the International Monetary Fund to Bulgaria began. It is to assess the current state of the Bulgarian economy. It seems that Bulgarian authorities will pleasantly surprise the international financial..

09.09.16 13:18 |

Buenas nuevas económicas para el FMI

El pasado miércoles comenzó la misión regular a Bulgaria del Fondo Monetario Internacional cuyos expertos deberán pasar revista al estado actual del sector económico búlgaro. Todo parece indicar que las autoridades búlgaras depararán a los..

09.09.16 12:59 |
Tras la desgana manifiesta de Moscú de suministrar gas a Bulgaria, las incógnitas en torno al hub futuro se vuelven aún más numerosas.

Bruselas da luz verde al hub gasístico búlgaro pero Moscú se niega a suministrar gas

No permitiremos que Bulgaria sea contorneada por los trayectos gasísticos, manifestó durante los días feriados recién pasados el primer ministro búlgaro Boyko Borisov en una mesa redonda internacional sobre inversiones, aludiendo a su proyecto de..

08.09.16 11:19 |
After clearly expressed unwillingness of Moscow to deliver gas to Bulgaria, the questions about the future gas hub is becoming even more pending.

Brussels supports Bulgarian gas hub, Moscow refuses to deliver gas through Black Sea

The gas routes will not go round Bulgaria, Premier Boyko Borissov said convincingly several days ago at the international investment round table about his favorite infrastructure project - the Balkan Gas Hub which is expected to be built on..

08.09.16 10:51 |