St. Valentine's Day is the most long-awaited holiday for lovers and the Bulgarians have a special advantage as we can combine it with Trifon Zarezan- the holiday of wine. And when there is wine, there is love. This wonderful symbiosis..
Sevgililer günü(Aziz Valentine) aşıkların en uzun zamandır heyecanla beklediği bir gündür. Bulgaristan’da bu gün halk arasında Trifon Zarezan olarak adlandırılan şarap bayramı ile birlikte kutlanıyor. Şarabın olduğu yerde aşk da vardır. Bu muhteşem..
Cada año, el 14 de febrero, el amor florece con más fuerza. El Día de San Valentín está cada vez más arraigado en Bulgaria como una festividad que inspira a los enamorados a compartir hermosos momentos. Ya es tradición el intercambio de tarjetas de..
The Philip Koutev National School of Folk Arts is not just any school - it is a talent laboratory. It is the first school not only in Bulgaria but in the Balkans for professional study of folklore. It is located in the heart of the beautiful town of..
"La Oruga de los Ródopes", así es como llaman al tren que cruza las laderas de los montes Ródope en la ruta Dimitrovgrad - Haskovo - Kardzhali - Podkova. Y no, no se trata del legendario Tesnolineika (ferrocarril de vía estrecha), que circula en..
Deanna Haag was born in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. She grew up dreaming of adventure and new horizons. After graduating from Wittenberg College in Ohio with a degree in Fine Arts, her life took an unexpected turn. The young American stood out for her..
Doğu Rodoplar, Avrupa genelinde doğal dengenin neredeyse iki yüzyıl önceki durumuna kavuştuğuender yerlerden biridir. Burada ekosistemler doğal bir şekilde çalışıyor. Tek sözle, hayvanlar ve bitkiler, önemli bir insan müdahalesine gerek kalmadan uyum..
In 2032, Bulgaria and Denmark will select their cities for the title of European Capital of Culture. The procedure will open in 2026 when the two countries will officially invite their cities to prepare their candidacies. The candidates must draw up..
The Eastern Rhodopes are one of the few places in Europe where the balance of nature has been restored almost to the state it was in two centuries ago. Here, ecosystems function naturally. In other words, animals and plants coexist in harmony without..
Las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en el distrito de Kaleto, en la ciudad de Lom, a orillas del Danubio, han sacado a la luz restos de estructuras defensivas romanas que datan del siglo I d.C. Las excavaciones, dirigidas por el Dr. Vladislav..
Cette année encore, dès l’aube du 1er mars, chaque Bulgare accrochera à sa boutonnière la traditionnelle marténitsa , une façon symbolique, sympathique..
C’est une chanson emblématique du village Pirin, "Sacrée jeunesse" que Dessy Dobreva a revisitée pour son nouvel album "Seyante" qui doit sortir cette..
5 centres de formation et de prestations sociales et sanitaires seront ouverts dans de petites agglomérations au titre du programme "Plus de justice..