Citizens' Dialogues Initiative is a series of thematic meetings that enables representatives of European structures in Brussels to meet face to face with citizens and talk about common issues of the community. The idea of organizing such kind of..
They call Adelina Banakieva the woman with a cause for a reason. She always gives a helping hand to children in need – when they cannot go to school, because they have no shoes, or live in abandoned old vehicles in the streets. Adelina..
Bulgaria está en la cola de la UE por el respeto de los derechos laborales fundamentales garantizados por la legislación estatal. Esta es la conclusión del presidente de la Confederación de Sindicaos Independientes en Bulgaria (CSIB), Plamen..
Bulgaria is among the last in EU in terms of basic workers’ rights, guaranteed by the state legislation. That was the conclusion of President of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria Plamen Dimitrov upon presenting the third..
Anyone with an interest in history will know that the heirs of Volga Bulgaria live in what is today the Republic of Tatarstan, part of the Russian Federation. The Tatars are known to be hard working and meticulous in what they do, so the..
The International Conference of the European Center of Employers and Enterprises providing Pubic Services and Services of general interest was held in Sofia on June 1. The event was part of the programme of the Bulgarian Presidency of the..
Present-day kids are expected to achieve a lot – by their families, teachers and society. In the meantime, the system of education is not very helpful in trying to make them happy people well prepared for life. Instead they are placed in a..
Today, a day after 24 May when Bulgarians celebrated the Slavic script and culture, a Bulgarian government delegation is in the Vatican for the traditional audience with the Pope. It is a symbolic way to reproduce the mission of the holy..
Este año también en el día de Spas (Ascensión de Jesús) mucha gente se reunirá en la enorme pradera alrededor de la fuente de Spas. El lugar es emblemático para la ciudad de Zlatitsa y toda la zona. Desde tiempos inmemorables la gente va al pozo para..
In 2018 the Feast of the Ascension of Christ (Spasovden) falls on May 17. Many people will gather again on the large meadow near the Spassov Well. The place is emblematic for the town of Zlatitsa (Central Bulgaria) and the whole region...
"Le ministère de l'intérieur est efficace. Les saisies de stupéfiants et l'interpellation de passeurs de migrants sont en hausse aux frontières de l'espace..
La liberté a globalement reculé dans le monde l'année dernière, alors que l'autoritarisme renforce son emprise, a indiqué ce mercredi..
"La deuxième enveloppe de 653 millions d'euros sera certainement refusée même si la Bulgarie a rempli 85% des engagements pris pour les réformes à effectuer..