Yet another highly critical EC report on the state of justice and home affairs in Bulgaria was published just ten days ago. The report directly accuses the authorities in Sofia of idleness in these areas and points out that corruption is still rampant..
Bulgaria’s entry into the Eurozone, i.e. the adoption of the Euro as a national currency, is an obligation the country and Brussels have under Bulgaria’s EU accession treaty. But this treaty lays down no deadlines, just obligations that are..
La banca de Bulgaria ha vuelto a causar estremecimiento por unas noticias impresionantes. A diferencia del pasado no muy remoto, cuando la gente se iba enterando de quiebras, de ayudas urgentes concedidas por el Estado, de síndicos y créditos morosos,..
Impressive news has emerged from the banking sector once again. Unlike recently when people mostly received news about bankruptcies, government emergency aid and bad loans, today the picture is different but no less shocking. This is so because..
The independent Bulgarian energy exchange finally started work a week ago, thus launching the long postponed liberalized energy market in this country. However, the steps are timid for the time being and this liberalization is half-hearted since..
Since the end-2014 official announcement made by Russian President Vladimir Putin about the termination of the South Stream gas project intended to deliver Russian gas to the territory of the European Union via the Bulgarian Black Sea coast,..
We have witnessed a serious collision between big business in Bulgaria and the Ministry of Interior during the week. After the murder of Alexander Antonov, owner of one of the largest companies in Bulgarian fashion business - Agressia, the..
El primer ministro de Bulgaria Boyko Borisov lanzó una auténtica bomba con su declaración de que espera que en 2016 el crecimiento del PIB alcance un 4,5%.¿Hay realismo o bien una mirada a través de gafas color de rosa detrás de esta..
Una de las ocupaciones favoritas de los empresarios nacionales es la de quejarse continuamente de la Administración Pública y de las leyes en el país. Ambas partes se lanzan acusaciones recíprocas por todos los descalabros y dificultades en el sector..
Investments are the only means to attain economic growth, to boost incomes and the standard of living. This is an axiom that is fundamental to the economic policy of any country, anywhere in the world. It is any government’s endeavor to attract..
El Patriarca búlgaro Daniel celebrará en Londres la primera liturgia de consagración del nuevo templo de la comunidad ortodoxa búlgara en la capital..
En vísperas de las celebraciones en memoria de Vasil Levski, el Apóstol de la Libertad, el presidente Rumen Radev ha bautizado oficialmente el aeropuerto..
Durante la última sesión del Parlamento Europeo, se presentaron los parámetros más importantes del presupuesto de la UE para los próximos siete años, un..