Actualmente en Bulgaria se ha desatado una oleada de peste porcina africana para la cual no hay remedio y la que resulta fuertemente contagiosa, por igual, para los cerdos criados en casa y en instalaciones industriales como para los jabalíes. La..
In recent years, salaries in Bulgaria have been rising by an average of 7-10% annually, but they remain the lowest in the EU and the average monthly wage is about 600 euros. According to trade unions, a four-member family in Bulgaria needs at..
Bulgaria does not have any significant gas deposits, nor is it a major gas market, what it does have is big plans in this field, most of all with the project for a European gas hub and an exchange for supplying clients from different European..
Bulgarian banks have withstood European stress tests as well as capital and asset controls, the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank reports. Six Bulgarian banks have been tested, including the four largest ones – UniCredit Bulbank,..
En la economía son pocas las cosas seguras y todo suele evolucionar y cambiar para mejor o peor. Uno de los pilares seguros de la economía búlgara es el consejo de control monetario por su cotización fija de la moneda búlgara respecto al euro, el IRPF..
The currency board with the Bulgarian national currency being pegged to the Euro, the flat income tax amounting to 10% and the 20% value added tax are among the main pillars of the Bulgarian economy. There are hardly any economists and..
It has been a long time since it was so busy in the Bulgarian gas energy market, with many new projects in sight. So far everything has been going smoothly and the focus was on major government projects. In particular, the ambitions of the..
Bulgarian tourism has shown a steady upward trend over the past four years, reaching a more than 31 percent increase in the number of tourists over this same period. Last year the growth rate, compared to 2017, stood at 4.4 percent, with the..
No aparece en absoluto color de rosa la vida de las empresas del sector transportista vehicular, tan importante para la economía y, encima, tampoco se vislumbran como especialmente consoladoras las perspectivas a corto plazo. Se les infligieron dos..
The future of the companies from the Bulgarian auto transport sector does not seem bright at all. The Bulgarian haulers were hit painfully twice which boosted their disappointment with the EU authorities. Couple of weeks ago the Bulgarian..
Hristo Stoichkov es el nuevo embajador de la Organización Mundial del Turismo adjunta a la ONU. Lo anterior ha quedado claro durante una reunión oficial..
Aumentar la conectividad energética entre los países de la región reducirá los precios de la electricidad, aumentará la competitividad y la seguridad del..
En 2024 el salario medio bruto anual en Bulgaria era de 14.081 euros, según datos preliminares del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. En comparación con..