Bulgarian Posts has been organizing for twenty years a very exciting competition named Letter to Santa Claus. This year the interest towards the event is huge and the letters have exceeded 7,000. All children who send a letter to the..
When I started my trip to Vidin I was preparing to find myself in the poorest region in the entire European Union. The road meandered near the colorful autumn mountain. I expected to see broad spans of uncultivated and abandoned..
British tourists will be back to Bulgaria this winter. The good news came from the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents after the World Travel Market in London. A few new travel agents have bookings of British tourists..
On October 15, we mark the White Cane Safety Day dedicated to the right for easy movement of blind people. It has been observed since 1969 following a decision of the International Federation of the Blind to raise awareness to the problems of..
As autumn comes into its own with days growing shorter and nights longer, Berliners turn their thoughts to stout, but also to the traditional Festival of Lights, one of the most colourful events in the cultural life of the capital of Germany...
Ils sont de plus en plus nombreux les bénévoles qui œuvrent dans le paysage associatif mondial. Se sentir utile et faire quelque chose pour autrui est le moteur de ces personnes qui s’impliquent dans des domaines d’activité aussi divers que..
The Japanese audience will enjoy the folklore dances of Arsenal Kazanlak ensemble for the 18 th consecutive year. The Bulgarian ensemble headed by its art director Hristo Stoyanov will leave for the Land of The Rising Sun on..
The refugees are a problematic issue not only for Bulgaria, but for the rest of the world, too. Their number in Europe is now exceeding 500,000 people. In 2012 as many as 1,400 people looked for asylum in this country, while last year those were..
La ville de Varna attire des touristes du monde entier qui viennent profiter de ses plages de sable fin et de la baignade en mer Noire. Mais pas seulement, car Varna est aussi connue pour ses musées dont l’unique musée de la Marine en Bulgarie. Depuis..
Cette année encore, à l’occasion du 24 mai, journée de l’écriture slave et de la culture bulgare, une délégation bulgare se recueillera sur la tombe de Saint Constantin-Cyrille le Philosophe à Rome, inventeur avec son frère Méthode de l’alphabet slave...
Hoy, 16 de febrero, Radio Bulgaria celebra su 89 cumpleaños. A lo largo de todos estos años, nuestro medio multilingüe no sólo ha sido un canal de..
El Patriarca búlgaro Daniel celebrará en Londres la primera liturgia de consagración del nuevo templo de la comunidad ortodoxa búlgara en la capital..
En distintos periodos de su existencia la Dirección “Programas para el extranjero” de la emisora pública nacional de Bulgaria, que hoy conocemos como el..