Podcast en español

author: Diana Tsankova

Let’s Adopt! Bulgaria: Reklamı yapılan hayvan koruma polisi yoktur

Gittikçe daha kolay diğerlerinden nefret etmeye, sözlerimizle incitmeye ve dokunulmaz özgürlüğün fiziki sınırlarını aşmaya başladık.. Bu, sadece insanlara karşı değil, hayvanlara karşı da yapılıyor. Sokak köpeklerine şiddet uygulayarak saldırganlığımızı,..

02.01.18 15:15 |

"Let’s Adopt! Bulgaria", en attendant que la police des animaux se mette en place...

Les bénévoles de "Let’s Bulgaria" se sont chargés de la lourde mission d’aider les animaux en danger. Avec un peu de chance, grâce à cette campagne notamment, ces animaux sont installés à la Clinique vétérinaire centrale et après..

02.01.18 13:40 |

Let’s Adopt! Bulgaria: Widely-advertised animal police does not exist

It is getting easier to hate, hurt and offend people and animals and cross the physical boundary of sacred freedom. Some callous individuals show aggression, frustration and inferiority complexes by hitting street dogs in the flank...

02.01.18 12:56 |
Boris Denev -

"Landscapes with Antiques" shows paintings of beautiful Bulgaria from past century

Ancient Bulgarian buildings and churches, cities rich in cultural heritage and seen through the eyes of artists from the beginning of the past century attract visitors to the National Art Gallery. An exhibition there shows visitors the beauty of..

02.01.18 10:35 |
Boris Dénev – Tarnovo des années 30 du ХХe s.

Des “Paysages d’antiquités bulgares” révèlent la beauté de la Bulgarie au siècle passé

Edifices d’autrefois, églises, villes au patrimoine culturel inestimable, vus par le regard des peintres du début du siècle dernier. La Galerie d’Art Nationale prend les esthètes par la main pour leur faire découvrir la beauté créée par les..

30.12.17 08:00 |

Cuando permitimos que el Hijo de Dios nazca en nuestro corazón, recién entonces comenzará nuestra renovación como personas y como sociedad

En Nochebuena, la sagrada noche de paz, noche de amor, cuando encendemos las luces del abeto y abrimos los regalos, muchas veces olvidamos que nuestros corazones palpitan con la alegría de la fiesta precisamente debido al nacimiento del Salvador. Cada..

24.12.17 08:30 |

When we let Saviour’s Nativity take place in our hearts, our revival as people and society will start

In the quiet Christmas night when the Christmas trees is shining and we open up our presents, we sometimes forget that our hearts are actually filled with joy because of the birth of the Savior. He brings us his greatest gifts each year –..

24.12.17 07:10 |

Dr. Liana Apostolova heads largest American program for diagnosing Alzheimer's among young people

In remaining time before Christmas, we love to tell stories of faith, courage, and of miracles. And when the belief of a compatriot in a brave dream is involved, then those stories leave millions of invisible traces. Dr. Liana Apostolova..

22.12.17 15:08 |

Geleceğin dünyaca ünlü on bilim adamı arasında bir Bulgar da var

Tenö Popminçev, en zeki kişileri şaşırtmayı başarıp geleceğin bilimini yaratıyor. Nobel Ödüllü bilim adamlarının, onu gelecekte devrim yaratacak buluşları yapabilecek potansiyele sahip on genç bilim adamı arasında gösterdikleri de bir rastlantı değildir...

21.12.17 14:37 |

Bulgarian children with more caries than their coevals elsewhere

We communicate with the surrounding world through our smile – we send our positive energy this way, spreading light around. That is why it is essential to take good care of our teeth since the earliest age possible. Kids, aged 5 have an..

21.12.17 13:49 |