Podcast en español

author: Yulia Gatderova

The Bistritsa Four, first steps in orchestral folk music

Bistrishka Chetvorka (The Bistritsa Four) is the first ever folk music band in Bulgaria. It was founded in 1936. Deyan Matein, Yordan Belkin, Angel Krivinski and Stoyan Rangelov had long experience playing Bulgarian folk music to both Bulgarian..

28.07.16 14:03 |

Lazar Nalbantov: following into the steps of legendary Strandja Mountain singers

Lazar Nalbantov is one of the young representatives of the Strandja Mountain music folklore. He admires and learns from the first great singers of this mystical music - Toma Yanchev, Magda Pushkarova and Georgi Pavlov. Lazar..

05.07.16 08:35 |

Magdalena Morarova’nın olağanüstü sesi

Herkes tarafından sevilen ve dillerden düşmeyen “Petruno pile şareno” amblematik Bulgar halk şarkısını söyleyen Magdalena Morarova’nın bu yıl 90. doğum yıldönümünü kutluyoruz. Magdalena Morarova Bulgaristan Ulusal Radyosu (BNR)nin arşivinde sayısız..

22.06.16 13:23 |

Magdalena Morarova, the singer of the Bansko folklore tradition

It is 90 years since the birth of Magdalena Morarova - the singer who shall be remembered for the emblematic song Petruno, pile shareno (Pretty lass Petruna), a song known and loved by all Bulgarians. Magdalena Morarova has recorded..

21.06.16 12:09 |

San Jorge en Yakoruda

Yakoruda es una ciudad al Sur de Bulgaria situada en el punto que recoge la energía de tres montañas: Rila, Pirin y los Ródope. Un hecho interesante es que en la exploración y el cartografiado de la isla de Greenwich en la Antártica, a uno de los..

08.05.16 09:15 |

Celebrating Gergiovden in Yakoruda

Yakoruda is a town in southern Bulgaria, a place where three mountains meet - Rila, Pirin and the Rhodopes. Interestingly, when Greenwich Island in the Antarctic was being studied and mapped, one glacier was named Yakoruda Glacier - after the Bulgarian..

05.05.16 14:25 |

Nadka Karadzhova’s Nightingales - conquering music scene for 25 years

The “Slavey” female folk quartet (meaning “nightingale” in Bulgarian) was created in 1991 by Bulgarian folk singer Nadka Karadzhova. Along with her, part of the quartet initially were her daughter Svetla, Stoyana Lalova and Liliana Galevska. They..

22.03.16 14:52 |

2015: Folk albums

2015 has been a good year for traditional Bulgarian music fans with a great many new releases. “Voice of Dobrudja” is the first solo album by singer Ivelina Dimova, soloist of the Philip Koutev National Folklore Ensemble, member of..

27.12.15 09:20 |

Anastas Naumov : „Le folklore est mon destin“

L’auteur-compositeur, chef d’orchestre et chercheur en folklore Anastats Naumov avait consacré sa vie à la musique traditionnelle bulgare, à la conservation de son authenticité et à sa performance sur scène. Il nous a quitté il y a quelques mois à l’âge..

14.11.15 10:10 |

Anastas Naumov - ‘Halk müziği benim için akademidir’

Anastas Naumov bir yaratıcı, folklor uzmanı ve koro şefi olarak bütün hayatını halk müziğin otantik varyantına adadı. Bir kaç ay önce 87 yaşında vefat etti. Ve folklor temeline dayanan çok zengin bir miras bıraktı. Bulgaristan Milli Radyosunun halk..

11.11.15 15:08 |