While summertime is mostly perceived as holiday time, for the people of art it is often a season of tight schedules and busy contacts. From 13 July until 3 August the Black Sea town of Sozopol is a magnet for many young musicians, as it is..
2014 definitely looks like a good year for flute player Mila Tsankova. The honorary diploma she won at the Concertino Praga international competition has placed her among the most promising young Bulgarian performers of classical music...
"Friendship and love of music" - that's how violinist Joseph Radionov formulates the secret of 40 years of successful collaboration with his colleague Angel Stankov. "The fact that we both have achieved heights in our profession was very..
Studying abroad is something many young people in Bulgaria dream of. At first glance tempting, sometimes this dream is riddled with stumbling blocks. Violinist Yoanna Kamenarska continued her education at the prestigious University of Music and..
Extravagante y siempre muy original, Petia Buyuklieva es una de las intérpretes pop más interesantes en el escenario BÚLGARO. Dotada de una impresionante voz de siete octavas y media, no reconoce límites en la música. Se desenvuelve con ligereza en..
Extravagant, but always original - this is Petya Buyuklieva, one of the most exciting performers of the Bulgarian pop scene. Endowed with a voice of three octaves and a half, there are no boundaries to her music. She easily engages in a..
The recent years have seen a remarkable dynamism on the pop music scene. Some of the newcomers, desperate to grab the attention of audiences instantly, opt for behavior meant to disturb often coupled with obscene lyrics. Others..
Du 10 au 22 juin, la deuxième ville de Bulgarie, Plovdiv, accueille le 50 e Festival international de Musique de chambre, un des évènements emblématiques de l’affiche culturelle de la ville, que nous présente Elisavéta Chotilova,..
Chaque année au mois de juin, Pomorié, la petite ville de notre littoral sud de la mer Noire, se transforme en centre spirituel pour de nombreux chrétiens orthodoxes de quelques dizaines de pays. L’occasion, c’est le Festival International de la Musique..
Every year in June, the Theotokos, It is truly meet International Festival of Orthodox Music brings together Orthodox Christians from dozens of countries in the Bulgarian Black Sea town of Pomorie. Twenty three choirs from Poland, Ukraine,..
La Junta Electoral Central decidió entregar las actas electorales en papel proporcionadas por el Tribunal Constitucional, así como dos dispositivos..
"Cuéntame un cuento" ( Razkazhí mi príkazka ) es el título de la última canción de Miro, que presenta a modo de regalo para todos sus compatriotas que..
Comenzamos nuestro programa con las principales noticias del país hasta el momento, seguidas de la previsión del tiempo para la jornada de mañana...