Kıbrıs'taki Bulgar Kültür Birliği , tanınmış bir Bulgar devrimcisi ve Nisan Ayaklanması'nın organizatörlerinden biri olan Koprivştitsa'lı kahraman Atanas Şabanov’un adını taşıyor . Birliğin Başkanı Mariya Mavrudi, Bulgaristan Radyosu’na..
Dacă vreți să știți ce au în comun unele dintre cele mai cunoscute trupe din lume - The Prodigy, Imagine Dragons, Kiss, Metallica - veți găsi răspunsul în concertul susținut de Prime Orchestra. Muzicienii din Kharkiv, Ucraina, vin la Sofia cu spectacolul..
If you want to know what some of the world’s most famous bands have in common - The Prodigy, Imagine Dragons, Kiss, Metallica – you will find the answer in the concert by Prime Orchestra. The musicians from Kharkiv in Ukraine are coming to Sofia..
Asociația culturală bulgară din Cipru poartă numele unui renumit revoluționar bulgar, unul dintre organizatorii Răscoalei din aprilie 1876 - Atanas Șabanov din Koprivștița. "Am vrut ca asociația să poarte numele unui iluminist bulgar, așa că am..
The Bulgarian cultural association in Cyprus is named after a renowned Bulgarian revolutionary, one of the organizers of the April Uprising of 1876 – Atanas Shabanov from Koprivshitsa. “We wanted the association to bear the name of a Bulgarian..
6 Aral ık’ta kutlanan ve halk arasında Nikulden olarak bilinen Aziz Nicolas yortusunda ülkemizde Nikolay, Nikola, Nikolina, Nina ve türevleri olan adları taşıyan 200 binden çok kişi isim gününü kutlamakta . 6 Aralık ayrıca balıkçı,..
December 6, Saint Nicholas Day, it is a holiday for more than 200,000 Bulgarians bearing the name Nikolay, Nikola, Nikolina, Nina and their derivatives, but also for fishermen, sailors, bankers and merchants. The day is also chosen as the official..
The campaign for shopping at bargain prices, known as Black Friday, has been growing more and more popular in Bulgaria. By planning carefully and keeping abreast of the offers, consumers are able to purchase products at exceptional prices, say the..
The guests to the second creative meeting - seminar of the leaders of Bulgarian folklore ensembles abroad, which took place on November 11 and 12 in Sofia, were welcomed with the smell of bread, sweetened with honey. In addition to..
“Life was better under Todor Zhivkov,” says an older man whom I meet in the street; many share his nostalgia for the former Communist dictator. “We didn’t have rights back then, but we had work. Now we have rights, but you can’t feed..
Este año se cumple el decimoquinto aniversario del descubrimiento de las reliquias de San Juan Bautista durante las excavaciones realizadas en Sozopol por..
Comenzamos 'Bulgaria Hoy' con las noticias más importantes en el país para la primera parte del día, seguidas de la previsión del tiempo para la jornada de..
El primer ministro macedonio, Hristijan Mickoski, ha declarado que la cuestión macedonia no está cerrada porque el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos..