Bright Week, also known as Pascha Week or Renewal Week begins today. The days after Easter bring enlightement and hope for eternal life. The Church glorifies the Holy Apostles and the Holy Theotokos and it is time for home celebrations..
On International Labour Day, May 1, we often talk about workers and their rights. Decent remuneration and well-deserved rest are an integral part of the principles of freedom and democracy, according to the rule of law. For more than a year,..
Lawyers almost jokingly say that after the Road Traffic Act, the other most violated law in Bulgaria is the Labor Code. Most often, legal advice from trade unions is sought by people who were fired or forced to leave their jobs; or have not..
On the last working day of last week, the Bulgarian cabinet which has already filed its resignation submitted to the National Assembly a draft plan for the recovery of Bulgaria. The topic became a reason for endless controversies among the newly..
Art knows no boundaries and language barriers, it rather brings people together. When an artist has an innate talent, they do not remain hidden from the public, no matter in which country they have chosen to live. Thus, relying only on his..
The clock is ticking down to the election for parliament which everyone is describing as the most important election for the road the country is going to tread over the next four years. What makes things different this time is that difficult..
Working with glass has become a family tradition and source of income for a family from Bulgaria’s capital Sofia. Borislav Korudjikov is a pioneer in this craft.Today he is among the most famous master glassmakers in Bulgaria. He lectures glass..
Plamena Teneva-Mann has been living in France for 20 years now. She left Bulgaria immediately after graduating from the Technical University in Sofia. Her education in the field of telecommunications opened the doors for her to work in large..
The beginnings of organized caving in Bulgaria were laid on 18 March, 1920. Since 1975 speleologists in this country have been entering information into a data base of Bulgarian caves – at this time it includes information and maps of more..
World Consumer Rights Day is marked today. It has been held under the auspices of Consumers International since 1962 and in Bulgaria consumer protection has been a topic since 1991. During these thirty years, Bulgarians have changed..
El flamenco rosado era considerado una especie exótica en Bulgaria, pero desde hace unos años hay colonias enteras que eligen los lagos cerca de Burgás..
Ruse ya puede presumir del más largo puente peatonal de madera en Bulgaria. La instalación fue inaugurada a finales de 2024 en el Parque Lipnik. El puente..
El 6 de enero la Iglesia Ortodoxa celebra una de las más importantes fiestas cristianas, la Epifanía, el día en el que san Juan Bautista bautizó a..