Ten years ago Maya Nikolova emigrated from Bulgaria to Great Britain. There, she met several young families from Bulgaria who wanted their children to practice their native language. But in Bournemouth, where Maya lives, there was nowhere..
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından 45 ülkede düzenlenen bir araştırmada Bulgaristan'da yaşı 11 ile 15 arasında değişen ergen çocukları, sigara, alkol ve hint keneviri kullanımı açısından birinci, cinsel hayata erken başlanma açısından ise 2. sırada yer..
Bulgarian adolescents occupy the first places in terms of smoking, alcohol and cannabis use and second place in terms of early sexual life. The alarming data was recently published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its report "Spotlight..
In today’s world, we have lost connection with the stars and few people only are able to find the most popular constellations in the night sky. However, there are also people who want to learn more about the planets..
“Aprons have played an important role in the life of women. The first thing the newborn girl was wrapped up in was the old apron of her paternal grandmother, a ritual symbolizing the passing on of power. There are different kinds of..
Bulgaristan’da hayat eski haline dönmeye başlıyor. Uzun izolasyondan sonra yurttaşlar güzel havadan yararlanıp açık havada daha uzun zaman geçiriyor. Başkentliler 15 Mayıs ile 15 Haziran arası Sofya’nın merkezindeki hoş gezilerini ‘Hazineyi Bul’oyununa..
Life in Bulgaria is gradually going back to normality. After the long period of isolation, people use the good weather to spend more time outside. And from May 15 to June 15, they will be able to combine a pleasant walk in the central part of..
La vida en la capital de Bulgaria va recobrando paulatinamente su ritmo normal. Tras el largo período de confinamiento la gente aprovecha el buen tiempo para estar afuera de manera más prolongada. A partir del 15 de mayo y hasta el próximo..
Yazar Vladimir Zarev, Paskalya günlerinde dünyayı saran pandemi ve hala şifası bulunmayan salgınla ilgili fikirlerini paylaştı. Vladimir Zarev insanoğlunun karşı karşıya kaldığı bu felaketin bir nevi günahkar insanlara verilen bir işaret olarak..
Could life under quarantine be colorful and joyful, instead of boring and monotonous? The answer is “yes” and this has been proven by Ivelina Cholakova’s new photographic project. Smiling families look out of windows and balconies in unconventional..
El Día de los Muertos es una jornada importante para muchos cristianos ya que rendimos homenaje a nuestros familiares y amigos que ya no están entre..
558 jóvenes de Bulgaria de 18 años podrán hacer un viaje en tren de ensueño por Europa, aprender de otras culturas y entablar nuevas amistades. Ellos..
"Tracios, vino y cultura". Este es el tema de un seminario en el complejo arqueológico "El Valle de los Reyes Tracios", cerca de Kazanlak, que reunirá..