Wine production has been going down on a global scale, and 2023 was the year with the lowest level of production in six decades, indicate data of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV). Bulgaria remains comparatively less affected by..
They are among us and it is difficult to distinguish them from all other Bulgarians, as they have an excellent command of literary Bulgarian and fit perfectly into the society, even their names do not sound any different... But what is it that..
The countdown is on, in the town of Pernik near Sofia, to the most colourful, noisiest and biggest masquerade festival in Bulgaria. They call it Surva , as this old tradition in the towns and villages of Western Bulgaria is called. It is a men-only..
A great blessing and joy for all Orthodox Christians in Bulgaria is the Saint Athanasius Monastery near the town of Chirpan. It was founded by the saint himself in the IV century (344), near an old Roman fortress, close to the then town of Beroe..
The Czech capital city at the threshold of the night, when the last trams take the late passengers to their homes... Through the contrast between lights and shadows, Atanas Milanov shows us a different Prague. His photos are arranged in the hall of the..
Bulgarian Margarita Stein has been living in Berlin for 27 years and in 2007 she founded the first family-owned publishing house in the German capital. Together with her husband - a historian and researcher of the Balkans, she focused on the goal of..
Talented choreographers and dancers created dozens of folklore ensembles in Bulgaria in the middle of the 20th century. Due to the idea of having a representative group in every city to promote local folklore and revive traditions, the Pazardzhik..
Talented choreographers and dancers created dozens of folklore ensembles in Bulgaria in the middle of the last century. At that time, the idea was that every town should have a representative dance group to promote local folklore and revive..
Coregrafi și dansatori talentați au creat zeci de ansambluri folclorice în Bulgaria la mijlocul secolului trecut. Datorită ideii de a avea un grup reprezentativ în fiecare oraș pentru a promova folclorul local și a reînvia tradițiile, în 1962 a apărut..
Goritsa Radeva es una actriz que ha vinculado su carrera al teatro de la ciudad de Shumen. En vísperas de las fiestas navideñas, Goritsa se dedica confeccionar bolsas de tela, no sólo por diversión, sino para recaudar además fondos para los soldados en..
Nous célébrons le 147 e anniversaire de la Libération de la Bulgarie au bout de 5 siècles de joug ottoman. Le 3 mars 1878 est signé le Traité..
L'UE et l'OTAN ont envoyé leurs vœux à la Bulgarie à l'occasion de sa fête nationale le 3 mars. dans son profil sur X le Conseil de l'UE souhaite en..
Il y a des signes démographiques positifs en Bulgarie, mais personne n'en parle, a déclaré sur la chaîne bTV le maître de conférences Gueorgui Bardarov,..