author: Diana Tsankova

Margarita Zaneff - the National Gallery’s most generous endower

At the end of 1949 an ocean-going ship left the port of Naples with 1 , 260 emigrants on board, their luggage consisting mostly of dreams of the Australian shores, friendly and warm as if they were born and grew up there.   As..

20.05.18 08:00 |

Margarita Zanef - Milli Sanat Galerisi’nin en cömert bağışçısı

1949 yılının sonunda Napoli’deki limandan 1260 göçmen taşıyan bir gemi yola çıkar. Göçmenlerin yanlarında taşıdıkları, her şeyden önce bilinmeyen, ancak gerçek bir vatan gibi cana yakın hissedilen Avustralya kıyısı hakkında hayallerden ibaret...

19.05.18 08:40 |

Sofi Yotova y sus 123 aventuras culinarias

Cocinar no siempre es aquella cosa pesada, aburrida y agotadora que nos come el tiempo y nos obliga ha hacerlo al final del día extenuante. Con esta contagiosa seguridad de que es posible entrar en la cocina con inspiración y sonrisa recibe a los..

18.05.18 12:02 |

Margarita Zanef, la benefactora más generosa de la Galería Nacional

A finales de 1949 partió del puerto de Nápoles un barco transoceánico con 1260 emigrantes. Su equipaje estaba compuesto principalmente por sueños de la desconocida costa australiana, amigable y cálida, como una auténtica patria. Tras muchos retos entre..

16.05.18 15:26 |

Friendly robots created by BAS

These are robots that take care of people in distress, help children with overcoming of difficulties and replace workers for the heaviest jobs. We take a peek into the future at the robotics institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences /BAS/, in..

12.05.18 10:30 |
San Lucas presentando el icono de la Virgen del iconógrafo Damaskin de Elena; Retrato de una niña de Nikolay Pavlovich

El Renacimiento búlgaro: del icono al retrato secular

La mano inspirada por Diosdel maestro desconocido que en 1259 pintó la iglesia de Boyana recreó las caras de los santos como si su luz brillara y terminara con la oscuridad medieval. Y si Bulgaria no hubiera caído bajo el dominio otomano, probablemente..

12.05.18 09:00 |
Young percussionists from the Music School in Sofia

Art takes over "Tsar Samuil" street downtown Sofia

On Saturday, May 12, the Tsar Samuil Street downtown Sofia will be breathing in the beat of drums and will turn into a palette of images, moods and colors. For a day in the car-free area, art will engage into a casual dialogue with passers-by,..

11.05.18 17:07 |
Jóvenes percusionistas de la Escuela Nacional de Música

El arte se apodera por un día de la calle capitalina “Zar Samuil”

El próximo 12 de mayo, la calle capitalina “Zar Samuil” respirará al ritmo de tambor y como un cuadro vivo cambiará de imágenes, ambientes y colores. En la zona cerrada para los coches el arte durante un día entero entrará en contacto improvisado..

11.05.18 14:28 |
Elena’dan Zograf Damaskin- Aziz Luka Meryem Ana ikonasını sunuyor. Nikolay Pavlovç - Kız portresi.

İkonadan portreye Bulgar Uyanış Devri

Bulgar Uyanış Devri’nde iki başlıca tarihi eğilim var – Avrupa Rönesansı tarzındaki manevi yükseliş ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun iktidarına baş kaldıran Bulgar ulusunun ekonomik ve kamusal-siyasi gelişimi. Elena’dan Zograf Damaskin- Meryem Ana ve..

11.05.18 10:25 |
Zograf Damaskin from Elena – St. Licas presents the icon of the Holy Virgin(L); Nikolai Pavlovich – Portrait of a girl (R )

Bulgarian National Revival art – from the icon to the secular portrait

The god-inspired hand of the anonymous master who in 1259 painted the frescoes of the Boyana Church on the outskirts of Sofia recreated the faces of the saints in such a way as if their inner light cast its rays over the very end of the..

10.05.18 14:10 |