Podcast en español

author: Albena Bezovska

Los corazones cantan: “¡Jesucristo ha resucitado!”

El césped ha brotado, sopla una brisa cálida y todas las aves cantan: “¡Jesucristo ha resucitado!” Hoy la naturaleza celebra la mágica fiesta. Los corazones cantan: “¡Jesucristo ha resucitado!” Estas palabras fueron escritas por el..

24.04.22 10:05 |

Dirilişin sembolü olarak kırmızı yumurta

Geleneksel olarak Kutsal Perşembe’de Paskalya yumurtaları boyanır. Bilindiği üzere, ilk boyanan yumurta her zaman kırmızı olmalı. Hristiyan din görevlilerine göre bu renk çarmıha gerilen İsa’nın acılarının ve İsa’nın Dirişi’nin sembolüdür. İlk..

21.04.22 06:05 |

120 years since the birth of composer Veselin Stoyanov

He was born in Shumen – a town with long-standing traditions in theatre, music and literature. After graduating piano and composition from the Academy of Music and Performing Art in Vienna, he returned to Bulgaria in the 1930s to join the..

20.04.22 12:34 |

"Destinies" - a short film and a meaningful song

"Destinies" is the third duet of Bulgarian pop singer Miro and actress Koyna Ruseva. The music and the arrangement are by Momchil Kolev, the lyrics - by Alexander Petrov.   The song depics the power of love and the way “two destinies merge and become..

05.04.22 16:32 |

Jeçka Slaninkova: Hayatımı halk şarkısı söylemeden tasavvur edemem

Jeçka Slaninkova Stranca folklor geleneğinin bir örneğidir. Kendisi, Magda Puşkarova, Komna Stoyanova, Yanka Rupkina , Jivka Papançeva, Radostina Yovkova ile birlikte orijinal Stranca şarkı stilini geliştirerek yaygınlaştıran, buna özgü eski halk..

31.03.22 07:35 |

La Filarmónica de Pleven y el Coro Nacional Svetoslav Obrétenov interpretan La Gran Misa de Anton Bruckner

El 29 de marzo en la sala Bulgaria, de Sofía, sonará la Misa № 3 en fa menor del compositor Anton Bruckner. Este gran representante de la cultura musical austriaca, reconocido como uno de los grandes maestros de la sinfonía de la época..

29.03.22 14:33 |
 Radio Nacional de Bulgaria

Los medios públicos de Bulgaria organizan concierto benéfico en ayuda a los ciudadanos de Ucrania

Radio Nacional de Bulgaria en cooperación con Televisión Nacional de Bulgaria y el Teatro Nacional de Sofía  organizan una campaña en apoyo a las personas que sufren las consecuencias de la guerra en Ucrania. La campaña arrancará con el concierto..

28.03.22 09:24 |
Bulgaristan Ulusal Radyosu

BNR ve BNT, Ukraynalı mülteciler için yardım konseri düzenliyor

Bulgaristan Ulusal Radyosu (BNR), Bulgaristan Ulusal Televizyonu (BNT) ve Milli “İvan Vazov” Tiyatrosu ile beraber Ukrayna savaşından kaçan insanlara yardım kamyanyası organize ediyor.  Kampanyaya BNR Big Band Orkestrası ve BNR’nin Karma..

28.03.22 06:10 |

Bilyana Angelova: In these dark times we must seek for an impact on a deeper, brighter and more virtuous level

In the last few years we have more and more often started to associate the name of Bilyana Tchokoeva-Angelova with the beautiful videos to her beautiful songs. The performers who present them are among the most famous and beloved Bulgarian..

27.03.22 13:15 |

Feast of the Annunciation, 25 March

After two years of pandemic restrictions and rules, protests, horrifying news from Russia’s war in Ukraine, we seem to be gaining a growing understanding of the need to remain connected, wherever we may be on the planet, whatever our status in..

25.03.22 09:35 |