The premiere of the documentary I was Jack Kerouac by director Lisa Boeva takes place on December 16th. The film focuses on the beat generation and was created with the support of New Bulgarian University. The film is based on unique interviews..
Saxophone player Emanuil Manolov, aka The Almond, who played that piece, is among the most famous musicians in Bulgaria. His name is related to the orchestras from the 1950s – 60s. The Almond turns 80 today. Everyone who knows him will agree..
L’ensemble « Dragostinfolk » fête ses vingt ans. La formation composée de femmes a marqu é l’évènement par un concert à l’Ecole nationale de Musique « Lubomir Pipkov » à Sofia. L’illustre compositeur bulgare Stéphane Dragostinov est le..
In the year 1962 thirteen gifted Bulgarian instrumentalists united their talent in a joint artistic thinking driven by the magic of chamber music. Thus, the artistic road of one of the longest existing European chamber orchestras - The..
Bansko son yıllarda ülkenin en hızlı gelişen ve tercih edilen kış kayak merkezi oldu. Müzeleri de yıl boyunca turistlerin ilgisini çekiyor. Pirin dağının bu güzel kasabasının tarihi ve kültürünü anlatan müzeler, adeta bir kılavuz niteliğinde...
Se cumplen dos décadas desde la creación de “Dragostinfolk”. Esta formación femenina ha celebrado su aniversario con un concierto en la Escuela Nacional de Música “Liubomir Pipkov” de Sofía. La gran sala de conciertos resultó pequeña para acoger a tantos..
“Dragostinfolk”un kurulmasından bu yana 20 yıl geçti. Kadın folklor grubu, kuruluş yıldönümünü Sofya’daki “Lübomir Pipkov” Ulusal Müzik Okulunda verdiği konser ile kutladı. Büyük konser salonu, kadın sanatçılarının hayranları için dar geldi. 2011..
The Dragostinfolk National female ensemble has turned 20. The group marked its anniversary with a concert at the Lyubomir Pipkov National School of Music in Sofia. Its concert hall appeared to be small for all the fans of the singers...
Formacioni folklorik “Dragostinfolk” shënoi përvjetorin e tij të 20-të me një koncert në Shkollën Muzikore Kombëtare “Ljubomir Pipkov” të Sofjes. Salla e madhe e shkollës nuk ishte e mjaftueshme për të gjithë adhuruesit e këngëtareve...
The saxophone quartet Forkolor was set up in 2009 by Vladimir Karparov. The formation recently presented their first album in Berlin. The music is their own with some fresh ideas born of the cooperation among the magnificent performers...
Pintor de iconos y maestro - invariablemente mencionamos estas dos palabras cuando intentamos resucitar del olvido a un pintor que se inició en el arte..
Hoy, en honor al 143º aniversario del nacimiento de Vladimir Dimitrov - el Maestro, en un ambiente festivo, la Galería de Arte de la Ciudad de Kyustendil..
“Si no existiera tu loco vino, la vida no sería un milagro”, el verso es de una canción dedicada a una de las fiestas más antiguas y veneradas en las..